Recommend a plan for me?

Welcome! Thank you for being part of the community! I would agree with @JSampson regarding your training plan strategy. I have a couple of additional suggestions for you before you embark on your journey.
First, be honest with how much time you have to dedicate to your training and don’t overcommit. Don’t try to “make up” workouts, if you miss a day just move on and take it from there.
Always fuel your workouts adequately! Just like driving a car running on fumes will not perform adequately, your body is the same.
Recovery days are your most important days and you need to take your full recovery weeks! It takes your body 3 days to start the adaptation process for full recovery and growth. Don’t cheat your body out of the growth it has worked so hard for in your training. Always take a recovery week between training plans for mental and physical rest and recovery!

You may find the following links to be helpful for your preparation.

All the best!