[RESOLVED] SYSTM of a down (24/02/22 11am CST)

SYSTM is down atm.

For anyone wondering, you can always check the status here:



It’s a good thing that today is a post-recovery recovery day in the ACTAP.

All are welcome! The Comfortable Have Nothing To Fear



@Glen.Coutts Would this result in me getting a message stating subscribe now even though I have been a member since the beginning. Was about to start my work. At least today is a short 35min ride :slight_smile:

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yep. Unable to login until it’s resolved. Hang in there, or come join me on the couch. It’s a BIG couch :slight_smile:



(i will rest my ass today to watch you get yours kicked tomorrow)


Lol. I actually started singing the song but it gets all tangled up in the second half :stuck_out_tongue:

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I hope I’m not speaking too soon, but it seems to have resolved. Let’s hope it sticks…

Edit: I spoke too soon :frowning:

2022-02-24 17:42 UTC - Resolved

Heroku has fixed its network issue to the point where we are no longer suffering from it.

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You caught me mid-donut. I’ll just finish off this box and get back to my post-recovery recovery then. For the record, “no longer suffering” sounds rather Couchlandrian Sir. Shall I save you a donut and a spot on the couch?

Frankly, they should have ended it with “… we are no longer suffering, so you lot need to get back to it” :slight_smile:


Talk about ear worm!

lol. You started it.

Now the pressure is on to find the next worm…maybe Bill Murray on SNL doing “Feelings”?? :thinking:

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Was that the lounge act? I don’t have that one embedded…and I’m not looking it up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yup! :grin:

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And best wishes to you on the Tour! Time to finish shoveling (yet again), then getting the pain cave set up for Giro Donne!

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Stoooopid snow. We’ve had it the worst I can remember here in Winterpeg.

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+1. Getting old. :grimacing:

The 65deg day this past week was cruel. Where in NE are you?

Sorry to be thick @RoseYarrow but the discourse notifications are hard to follow sometimes. Are you asking about me?