Hi fellow Sufferlandrians,
A member new to the SUF fold here, and thought I’d get some training input from this seemingly excellent forum.
I have identified my Mt. Sufferlandria to be the TT Club Championships, which is the discipline where I leave myself the highest likelihood of stepping onto the podium (or ultimately winning if the club World Tour pro is not participating). However, I just want a reality check on whether the goal may be realistic or if I am overreaching here.
A bit of background:
Not new to cycling, and feel I have become a fairly experienced cyclist. Annual distance last year and this year approx 7500 km, just below 300h. Have not followed any structured training plans over time before; some periods of intense high volume training, and some periods with hardly any training at all depending on life situation.
Did my Full Frontal approx. a week ago, and ended up as a time triallist with sustained efforts strength and sustained weakness (confusing, but got some sort of understanding reading the forum). My numbers were as follows:
NM=1321w (15.4w/kg)
AC=568w (6.6 w/kg)
MAP=433w (5 w/kg)
FTP=331w (3.85 w/kg)
Having recently done a 60 min all out effort (332w) and all out PR on a 5 min hill a couple of months ago, I had very good numbers to go by for pacing strategy on MAP and FTP.
Back to my goal;
it is a 21 km TT course, 107 m elevation. This year I had no goal or expectations other than doing my best, and managed to complete in 29:10 averaging 300w (do not have numbers for NP), having done 170km (incl. signpost sprints and whatnot) the day before.
Goal: Completing the course sub 27 mins in June 2021.
I realize that is a huge leap in performance. To accomplish that goal, I reckon my FTP needs to increase to at least 360w, i.e. a 9% increase, and at the same time reduce body weight. The last few years I have been 87-90 in season, and 90+ off season. Unfortunately I love snacks and sweets, but having focused on cutting this, my current weight is down 4 kg to 85.7 kg over the last couple of months. With consistent training and still keeping away from sweets, I expect 80 kg could be acheivable within the next 6 months without any specific diet, leaving me an FTP of approx 4.5 w/kg.
Back to the question then; are these acheivable goals? Ambitious, yes, but crossing the border to unrealistic?
I have been contemplating which training plan to select, but with the recent announcement of Tour of Sufferlandria, I am thinking I could do a TOS prep plan and TOS as a start, a new FF, then move on to start either All-Purpose Road or Time Trial plan on the 28th of February, which on completion most likely leaves a couple of weeks to the TT. Timewise I reckon intermediate APR or Novice TT plan is what I can aim to manage. Any thoughts on how to approach this?
Sorry for making my debut post such a long one, appreciate input from experienced Sufferlandrians.