Spring Loaded Challenge - week 1 check-in

@JSampson yeah. It’s a great reminder and skill practice. I’ve gone back and forth on the mtp, usually start off excited for the first few weeks but then let it slide. I would like to be more consistent this summer with it.


@pauloserra i feel the dead legs too. My flutes are always so sore especially early in a cycle. That’s to be expected. It’s part of the adaptation phase. Stick with it! Even if it impacts your on the bike performance initially, it will pay off eventually.


I find sometimes I need more transit time, also the efforts are really short, so if you are late coming into a position you can miss the effort. I cannot do the arm extensions from plank, maybe that should become my Mt Sufferlandria this year.My ancient knees are not so keen on the knee bending stuff , I like to ease into them to get confident before going the whole hog. It is a fantastic opportunity to concentrate on the off the bike stuff, I feel so much more stable when riding now. I wonder why the challenge is not Nov/Dec get strong for the tour prep, rather than a mid season plan


The transitions can be a bit quick eh? I feel like I have to mentally prepare myself to be sharp for those quick transitions - the exercises aren’t something I can’t do without some intention behind it.

As for the challenge happening now - that’s some great feedback - how we offer training plans and challenges going forward is a huge area of focus for us. If you don’t mind, can I ask some follow up questions?

  • What is your season like? How do you define it?
  • What goals do you have?
  • How and why do you use the SUF app?

I love the challenge, got me back to SUF as it kind of « forces » me to do Yoga and strenght training. (All because of the bagde and the chance to win a rival watch hahaha). And I was very sceptical with yoga…however, thanks to the challenge I learned to like it and will include in my training also after in the future.
But I agree a better tracking would be really cool. Imagine something like 100hours of yoga and you get a tron mat :joy:

gpsjared… thank you for your reply. For some of the exercises I have to mentally visualise myself doing them in order for the body to follow.Side lunge, now which leg is straight, this leg bends and the arms do this, and by then I need to start the exercise.If I have moved from the floor to standing then I am in catch up mode already. My racing season was short spring “training” races, a summer"target race" endurance stuff with fun races to maintain fitness until Autumn “target race” winter was strength based with fun x-country stuff to add intensity. Now I am nearer 70 than 60, my year may be unlike active racers. The season starts with Suff, working to the Suff tour. I usually get inspired by an adventure thing after this, catch a train to hundreds of miles away and cycle home. My goal is to have sufficient buffer of fitness not to be knocked aside by hills, wind , or just tough routes, to be able to push myself through the challenge without dying first. I wanted a training platform and looked at a few of them, something that offered a coaching aspect. I followed British Cycling training plans for a few years and rode with a racing club weekends. When Dan did his plan with Suff and made good improvements I was sold on the science and the vision of using something with much more up to date ideas, and so I took the Suff trial. I use it on a smartphone which controls my kickr in the garage.

Tracking the progress atm is sub optimal since I have to compare the training plan with my calendar and check if I did everything.
I’m looking forward to the new SUF App with calendar improvements (easy moving, modifying + Android). Also hope google cast or AndroidTV support is coming to get rid of plugging/unplugging the HDMI cable constantly from the Laptop.

Prize draws especially, but also Challenges and Badges etc. always motivate me to do a little extra. This is a great thing.

What is your season like? How do you define it?
My base was covered by weekly commuting 220km and keeping it mixed up and interesting by occasionally chasing down KOMs along the ride. Now I am a nightly pandemic SUF rider :slight_smile:
I use the MTB primarily in the winter and the Road-bike in the warm Summer Dawn before the kids have breakfast. I like to go to group rides and a few races as the family time schedule permits.
Not sure if I got the question right.

What goals do you have?
Have fun on and off the bike and be active by myself and with the family (climbing, hiking, biking & swimming). Get in some friend/group rides and races as the family schedule permits. Also grab an age group podium :slight_smile: Chasing the occasional KOM is also fun

How and why do you use the SUF app?
I got a Kickr and Zwift starting with the pandemic since my daily commute of 44km was no longer there. Because of my family I mainly bike from 10 PM to 1 AM and because of this am missing most zwift-rides with buddies and local league races in the winter. So the social aspect was missing. Zwift got boring and I startet watching Series while biking. So the relaxation I regularly got from biking was gone. I also hate typing to communicate in games. Especially while riding a bike. Voice chat is far superior.

So I started Sufferfest because of the Code from my Kickr and found the name appealing plus the Wahoo commercial in my e-mails gave me the final push before trying something else.

For me Sufferfest feels way more like actually biking, racing and relaxing. I love the immersion! I’m again getting a mental-clearout which is important for me.
The storyline and humor are also motivating and the music is great aside from some techno beats. I did not expect this form of suffering, but each his own :cry:

It’s an extremely family friendly replacement for my commute training. Now I have fun when everyone is asleep or away and am better prepared for my races.
Having a schedule really helps taking the time to ride and even do MTP, Yoga and since the Spring challenge I finally added Strength training which I forgot to add in my All purpose Road. I did it only a single time when not on the plan. My new plan now has Strength pre included which is really good.

Thanks to the 4DP the sessions are really spot on and motivating. I know I can do this! But if the sun is up, the weather is good and I find the time I try to ride outside instead.
:brick: :newspaper: done. Sorry if you suffered through this :sweat_smile:


I thought it went until June 16? At least that is what the plan on my calendar shows.

Yeah, sorry, I meant all exercises up until then. But since, I have fallen off the wagon. Taking Yoga+Strength+MTP Intermediate was a complete overreach combined with everything else (life, work, current training plan which just ended)…

Totally hear you on that!

Now that the challenge reaches its end I was wondering how is the best way to continue?
I would like to continue having at least yoga in my plan but it stops with the challenge.
I guess I just start a yoga program after the challenge but there doesn´t seem to be something that includes this nice mix that the challenge had with yoga strength/flexibility/activation…

edit: OK I just realized even that there are the yoga options to choose strength or flexibility, they still include a mix. So I assume I just add yoga strength to my plan after the challenge?

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Yes, you would delete your plan then add it back in from the end date with strength an yoga or add in one of the stand alone plans.

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So quiet here so I assume it is just me who got the badge and will win the watch right? :wink::grinning:


While I #willrideforbadges, I also got this one so maybe it’s just you and me. :crossed_fingers:


hmm… may be just the two of you, I thought that I completed it… but no badge for me… :sob:

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because there was a wide range of plans for this one, the one consistent requirement was the MTP sessions. If you did them all, you should get the badge and if you didn’t get the badge, you can email theminions@thesufferfest.com and they’ll get you sorted. Not that I’m looking for a 3rd person to compete with for the watch :slight_smile:


There’s at least one more in the draw for the watch. Sorry!

I didn’t complete all the workouts/sessions exactly on the right days (or even in the 50 hour window) but the app still picked them up and gave me the badge completion.


I cheated and lied my way through the challenge and didn’t get a batch!
Yeah, sounds about right. :wink:

Congratulations to everyone who could actually stick with the program.

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Minions figured it out, Got my badge, and back in the competition :grin:


Was baby GvA taunting you?

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