Have you settled on your final lineup? If not, I wouldn’t just pick shorter ones cuz you’re “kinda afraid”. Fear is a brilliant motivator. Pick vids that speak to you somehow, that you enjoy, that you love to hate, that are your nemesis, that completing as part of your quest will fill you with pride. For me, each one was carefully chosen for a variety of reasons so there was meaning to help drive me forward.
As for what to watch, to me that is a given. For me, Knighthood was not just spending 10ish hours on the trainer. Having done events outdoors about that length I was pretty sure I could do that. For me Knighthood represented what I had previously considered unattainable, it was my Mt Sufferlandria and as such I poured myself into its planning and prep. Not only did I not watch something other than the vids, I completely shut down all social media, had my text set to off, told everyone I knew, including my wife and kids, not to try to contact me or even come down to the basement. I wanted 0 distraction as a I was laser focussed on the goal. My only contact with the outside world was a quick selfie with a chart ticking off each ride as completed, then back to the task at hand. I was never bored. Not for a second.
All vids had been downloaded in advance. I used erg mode for most of it finding it simpler to manage the intensity during a time when my brain was in a fog (videos 5-7) and nearly delirious (videos 8-9).
For food I had a mix of sweet and salty gels and candy and savoury and crunchy. But I also had some real food in some pre-made sandwiches of deli meat. I highly recommend real food in the mix.
Tech issues do happen but I was also prepared for most of those. Had quick links, Spare chain, spare tire and tube (my Knighthood was done on a whee on smart trainer), spare cleats, spare shoes. I dual recorded using my headunit in case the app went glitchy.
For the most part there were no tech issues but there may have been a video loading issue at one point that pushed the 10 min break a bit. My memory is fuzzy since it’s been a minute but I’m pretty sure I would have taken less time during another break to minimize the impact. The minions do understand that stuff happens and from what I’ve heard can be forgiving depending on the circumstances. Just don’t expect it and be as prepared as you possibly can be.
Set a timer for those breaks. Set it for 8 minutes cuz times goes fast. Save time by eating on the bike during the warmups and cool downs. Use the off bike time to change kit, take a nature break and do a bit of stretching.
Love that attitude. As for how long for your application to be approved, be patient, sadly, there’s not many minions left as The Company terminated many of them. As a general rule though, if you haven’t heard anything back after a couple weeks maybe ping them with a support request.
Edit: oh and they’re not stickers, they’re decals