I saw mentioned in a different thread the 2 swim strength workouts that were kindly put together by the coaches in lieu of being able to get to a pool. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere I really loath strength training, but I thought these might be a good way of forcing myself into the habit. I can kid myself that I’m really swim training and not strength training!
I wondered if anyone had tried these out and if so what they thought/how they got on?
Also a question for the coaches, are these designed to be repeated regularly? Say workout A and workout B once each, weekly?
I will admit in advnace that I have looked at th edescriptions but have NOT loaded them up yet.
@leebo Try them out. It’s basic strength training for your core and shoulders. I repeat them every week as long as the pools are closed and the weather is not tempting to jump into waters outdoors but it somewhat relates me to swimming. You can always vary the excercises by doing it with more reps, with more resistance and so on to keep you entertained. And it’s always a pleasure to see @Coach.Jeff.H doing the bear crawl
@leebo -Give them a go. I have to say that this was a scramble to get things out the door in the midst of the first lockdown so not the usual quality. The workouts are quite challenging and are designed for folks that could not get into the pool. However, they are a great mix of movements with quite a bit of upper body that many cyclists overlook. As far as frequency, 2 x a week would be the right cadence. You may be a bit sore after the first go because of the new movements but as with all of the strength sessions you can and should do them at your own pace and modify to your personal needs. I am happy to say that we will have more to come in this area soon. Cheers, J