Systm stuck to taskbar

I have been using Systm for years now and … out of the blue, it stopped working about a week ago. When I start the app, I see the opening image, but it stops there. I can see the app on the taskbar, but I can´t maximise it. I assumed it was caused by an update that may have modified the Windows security settings, but haven’t been able to find any setting that would prevent it from running. Anybody can help or had similar issue in the past ?

I have already tried an unistall/reinstall and … it looks like it is now trying to run the app directly from the exe file I downloaded. I can’t remember how it did it the last time, but … was under the impression it did a “formal” installation before being able to use the app. Am I mistaken ?

Thanks for any tips.


I had something similar and it was because I was using an external monitor. Are you on a laptop and using an external monitor and trying to open it again without the external monitor? If the last time you closed the app it was on an external monitor, it remembers this for some reason and does not show on the laptop. So you have to reconnect the external monitor and drag it back to the laptop screen. I now always do this before closing the app. I appreciate this might not be your situation, but just in case it is…


I had a sorta similar problem a few years ago. First SYSTM started to open very slowly on my Windows computers (first office/pain cave machine, then notebook), then it opened to a black window which had to be forced closed. My android phone was unaffected. Reinstalling the app/deleting all Wahoo data on the PC did not help. The minions did something with the data on Wahoo’s end and it was all better.

Put in a support request, they are awesome.


Thanks to both of you for you advice. FullGasForSure, what you are describing has happened to me in the past. Different software and different version of Windows, but … I remembered ! :slight_smile:
CraigM: support was closed over the weekend, but … I will send them a message right away. I am using my iPhone in the mean time and … yes, iPhone is unaffected.

Wow ! CraigM, when you said they were quick, I never thought they would be THAT quick ! Less than 20 minutes and … shame on me as, from the solution, it really sounds like a “window on a ghost screen” thing.
Here is the fix they sent me (in case anyone else has a similar issue):
Can you please try pressing the ALT and space key at the same time, and then click on and click on either Minimize, Maximize, or Restore .

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