I only run SYSTM on my PC laptop, and for a few months now, it has been VERY unsatisfactory.
I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled the app about 3 times in 2 or 3 months, and the problems continue.
These are consistent issues ever since this behavior started:
Opening the app does not appear to be doing ANYTHING for a long time after I double-click the shortcut. Same is true if I right click and choose Open.
No hourglass showing that anything is occurring, no window of any kind begins to form, it really looks like I didn’t even activate anything.
After about 30 seconds or MORE, I FINALLY see the window open and in sufficiently good time, it does indeed show up and I can begin using it. After that, it seems good, GENERALLY. I do still see some occasional slow opening of a workout from the Library, a long hang before it shows anything, but that is not every time. Today, it WAS long, so much so that I wondered again if the app was going to stay open at all but finally the window showed up at the workout chosen. -
Once I finally actually START a ride, it has usually been good, but today, EVEN AFTER uninstalling and reinstalling the app completely, with a reboot of my PC in between, and with confirming that all showed up properly, (i.e. it already had all my data in there, though I did have to reestablish my Strava connection first), the workout took a VERY LONG TIME to begin, maybe 15-20 seconds of just nothing once I hit the Start button in the window. I was afraid it had crashed but it just was hung for a bit and then proceeded as normal.
The workout did fine, no issues at all keeping up, no glitches throughout… UNTIL!!! And this is #3 because this has been true ever since these problem started a few months back: When I FINISH THE WORKOUT, the video stays up but STOPS MOVING and progress STOPS ALTOGETHER for MANY SECONDS. The Start button shows up though I’ve done nothing to stop or pause anything, I’m still pedaling away, but things are actually paused. I hit the Start button but it immediately stops, instantly in fact. If I just pedal, things do nothing. I try clicking the Start but it does NOT KEEP the video going, nor does the time progress. It’s like there are only a few seconds left to go but it will not finish them.
Today, I actually tried for the first time to click the Start Button over and over and over as fast as i could click on it, and I could see the fading video barely moving, haltingly, and after MANY clicks, it finally stopped the workout and brought up the SAVE WORKOUT option.
In the past, I’ve tried hitting the FINISH WORKOUT button up at the top, but that hasn’t had any effect either. The app WILL EVENTUALLY finish and stop and offer the SAVE button, and I have to just wait it out, sweating bullets that it’s going to lose my workout altogether or even go back to the start of the workout if I hit the Start button in the center of the screen. Hasn’t happened yet, thankfully, but it sure isn’t a happy experience.
If anyone has any clues or experience with similar issues, please reply.
For what it’s worth, my PC is definitely not ancient, nor underpowered, nor slow, nor short on memory. (Even if I may qualify on ALL those counts.)