Great work on the podcasts, it’s a great addition with great information. Listening to the one on volume it was good to hear @Coach.Neal.H and @Coach.Mac.C thoughts on base training. In it they talk about maintaining some intensity, doing speed work and strength sessions over the winter months. Are there any plans to add a suitable plan to the app, or is there already one the coach’s would suggest? If not could someone suggest what such a plan might look like?
I think the podcasts are great too. So far I have listened to the volume one and the 4DP one, and look forward to hearing more. Love the way there is a bit of back and forth on each subject and feels like they get quite detailed without an overload of data.
Maybe I need to listen again but I’m pretty sure their high level takeaway regarding volume is that ‘volume for volume sake’ isn’t always best. I.e. the traditional winter plans of just lots of logging loads of steady state miles can be replaced with a much more time efficient plan. I’d say the SYSTM plans that are found under cycling>General>all purpose will do the trick very well. You’ll get a mix of everything in there and it has built in rest weeks too so you don’t over do it.
That’s what I wasn’t sure about. I think the transition ones wouldn’t really be suitable for what I want. I could do the all purpose with strength and yoga as an option.
My own general plan was to make my own 3 off/1 off following the idea of 3 mid week workouts and two longer ones at the weekend. Mid week do one FTP progression, working through the series, at weekends do one sub-threshold (2x20, 3x20 in progression) with all other workouts endurance. After listening to the podcasts, and knowing my MAP is relatively weak, I was also considering substituting one week day workout with a MAP workout.
I’m generally pretty good at keeping non top of my core/yoga work and will do at least 3-4 sessions a week.
My plan is to try and build fitness and FTP ready for TT season starting March/April.
If you do a Full Frontal test it may confirm that MAP is relative weakness, and then it will tailor the program to incorporate more sessions that will improve that area.
MAP is my weakness too. The All Purpose plan, 3:1, mid volume looks like a very good plan for your need and will be the one I will revert to at the end of my current one. It usually feature 3 midweek sessions and 2 longer weekend ones. Of which there is a mix of focus but typically (for me) includes 2 with quite a MAP focus. BTW, these sessions are usually Sufferfest videos which are a lot more fun than the FTP progression no vids!!
Thanks. My MAP weakness was confirmed by the last Full Frontal. I might do 8 weeks of my own plan then drop into the general purpose over the rest of the winter which will take me toward the start of next race season.
@WillD Another takeaway was to shift focus to strength - both major muscle groups and also all of those smaller players. I have listened to all of the podcasts at this point (long car ride) and really liked the one about core work.
Hosts Neal Henderson and Mac Cassin cover everything you need to know about volume training. Ok, maybe not everything but Neal and Mac break down the what, why, and how to’s when it pertains to high volume training. This episode definitely sets up some great topics but just like any good ride, sometimes taking a little turn here and there is going to take you places that are much more enjoyable. Give it a listen and discuss it here.
I agree with @David.McQuillen.KoS – there is a ton of value in following your intuition, especially during off-season, especially if your intuition is leading you to more balance, a nourishing or satisfying experience or practice, and cultivates a sense of restoration and rejuvenation.
Neal Henderson and Mac Cassin also talk about the value of rest in The Knowledge Podcast: The Value of Not Training
I typically take about 2 to 4 weeks off of training where I use that time to actually rest, where my entire focus is resting and taking it easy. After a solid period of rest and a good break, I begin to notice that my body feels completely reset and recovered and that my mind is fresh and I feel a strong sense of motivation to get back into training.
After complete off, I then do a 1 to 2 week transition period, during this time the Transition Training Plan would be a great tool to prepare one for a quality training plan. I also really enjoy hiking during the transition period.
Once the transition period is complete, and I feel ready to begin quality training again, I start off with testing. After testing is complete, I use the data to inform my training protocol. Then it is time to execute smart training, prepare to race, rinse and repeat.
Great advice, thank you. Can’t say I’ve ever scheduled a week or more off the bike, but I am planning it after my last race tomorrow. After that I had planned a week running into a test (Half Monty on the TT bike). I’ve made an 8 week plan, mixing endurance, sub threshold and building some MAP work in the last couple of weeks. I’ve also planned some core and flexibility work. After that I will probably repeat full frontal and head into the general road plan with strength.