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that might be so, but it’s the combination of things I mentioned that make The Sufferfest videos special in a way that would be very hard to replicate in the way Sir David, then Sir Francois have done.

Well, it would be awesome if:

  • HM got a full on SUF treatment like FF. :pray::pray::pray:
  • Same with Cadence Builds which is one of the most frequent rides in many of the training plans and the story is practically there already as is some of the video, so adding some motivating music could enhance it.
  • What about Primers? Another classic, frequently ridden video that could also benefit from the full on SUF treatment. The video is there, the story is pretty much written, but the addition of music would enhance it too.
  • Ditto for Standing Starts

As for No-Vids. Precisely because they are no-vids I have a very hard time bringing myself to do them. I completely understand the training benefit of many/all of them but if I wanted to do No-Vids, I’d have gone with Trainer Road. I admire people who have the internal drive to ride these while either listening to their own music or watching some other content (cycling related or not) but I am NOT one of those people.

What brought me (hook, line and sinker) to Sufferlandria was how The Sufferfest videos fully engaged me in a story, knew exactly when I’d be struggling and provided the precise amount of motivation to keep going. All while making me laugh and not take myself too seriously. I’ve tried doing No-Vids on Zwift, then RGT and now Indie-Velo and while this gives me something to look at, it also bores me silly. I am also one of those folks that are not at all engaged by the Pro-Ride series. Don’t get me wrong as I understand the appeal and know that there’s a fair amount of folks who think the Pro-Ride series is the best thing that happened to indoor cycling since, well, The Sufferfest but that’s not me. For me, ProRides are a sure fired way to bring on TTBS and I find the endings invariably demotivational while understanding too that they’re very realistic as you can’t win EVERY race (that is, unless you’re Sufferlandrian :wink: )

So my hope of all hopes is that The Company find that β€œtalent” and create more SUF vids out of the No-Vid library, or, like High Time, a slightly tweaked version of these to fit The Sufferfest mould. Start with the ones that are going to give people the greatest general benefits then work through the list. Make me suffer, make me laugh, build me up, drive me forward. It’s a formula that’s kept me here since late 2015, and others for longer than that.