The Wahooligan Tour STAGE 7: To Get To The Other Side workout on RGT Stelvio

Wrong kind of suffering :frowning:


I’m guessing they made this up at the last minute to consolidate the badge completion for everyone who was having trouble w the Stage 7a fiasco…I sure don’t remember anything being in that space on the calendar when they launched.

But then I’m a cynic by nature.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

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This is getting confusing. I was planning on doing stage 7 as a workout in RGT (no group ride). What is going to happen if I hit the end of the stelvio before finishing the workout?


Oh don’t worry, The company will sort it out :wink: somehow.

But I think the safest option would be like what @ozmadman did, run both platforms on 2 different devices

The Wahoominati are always watching
Xoom xoom


not a thing. when you’re done you’re done and if you’re able to crest the stelvio in under 1:30 just be pleased with your w/kg and your normalized power over the course of the workout. If you are wondering about the badge, you’ll still have earned it. Just follow the instructions Sir @Rupert.H posted above:


RGT on Android that casts to the TV FTW. Worked flawlessly again.

What didn’t work as well? My legs. :hot_face::leg::leg:

Rode last 2km of Stelvio on my own but thankfully Jenkins stuck around on the chat for some encouragement. You are a bloody legend Jenkins!

Well done everyone!


Yeah sorry mate, I had to bail, was aceriding with you tho!!! C.Jenkins was even kind enougb to wave cheerily when he dropped me like a stone hahahaha.


It was nice putting a voice (not quite a face) to a name. :grin:

He was in front of me, then his PC crashed which allowed me to get in front. When he came back his workout didn’t load so he improvised with 30% difficulty on the trainer and dropped just about all of us.

That’s right, I recall he was on his last 100m when I went under 1km banner.

Well done everyone nonetheless!


I did Stage 7 on SYSTM. I think having the conclusion to the Tour being Mike Cotty “failing” to get up Mt. Sufferlandia quite amusing.

Or maybe there is a hidden message there.


I did one of the events tonight on RGT at 6pm Pacific.
First time on RGT.
Worked OK for me. Did not seem to be rubber banded. I was off the back the whole time.
One person completed the climb before the workout was over. Don’t know what happened to them, but at least the rest of us finished the workout.
Seems like most continued to finish the climb.
I chose to be done with the workout
Only after putting all my gear I saw that there is a 3 minute to do to finish the challenge.
What in the actual what?


It’s a breathing exercise from Abi. One of the yoga vids.

Do it and you’ll get your badge!

Well done on completing. :+1:


There wasn’t anything there, that ridiculous few minute session was only added a few days ago


The rubber banding was removed. I had an email saying that they had updated the ride and at the bottom it said rubber band switched from on to off. Why? I don’t know


Because rubber banding finishes the ride when the first person reaches the end of the course (I think).


Sitting on my couch I let the 3 minute yoga video run.
I have now completed the tour.


Stages 7a and 7b complete.

Rode TGTTOS on System and on an organised RGT group simultaneously, running on different laptops. The scenery and music on Systm can’t be beaten, but I enjoyed having the company on RGT. With rubber banding off, everyone could finish the workout, but we didn’t ride together exactly.

Took a 10 minute break, cooled off under the hose outside, changed kit, then started up Stelvio. No way could I do 100%, around 40% was good. 30 minutes in, RGT froze (I was messing with my HR sensor). Being all amped up and with nowhere to go, I headed over to Systm to do Who Dares for the March challenge. That was a Bad Idea, said the legs. Went back to RGT, killed it, and when it reloaded it picked up where I had left off! It was a slow slog up the climb, but 2.5 hours later, I was back down, glistening with satisfaction.

IMO, the actual climb up Stelvio was more rewarding than using RGT to do a workout. For structured workouts, i will stick with Systm. But I will definitely be back to ride more RGT routes.


Well, tried to do 7a in RGT - got about 35mins in and the thing froze on me. Force quit, go back in, it offers to recover the ride, Yay, but doesn’t recover the fact that I’m half way through a workout, crap. Give that up for a bad job, head back to SYSTM and start again.

Which made me realise how crap RGT is for workouts in comparison - I hadn’t even noticed the cadence targets, for example.

But in all that faffing, I’d lost a good 45 minutes, and was running short of time to complete 7b. No option but to put my head down and power up as quick as I could. Averaged 89% of FTP, but didn’t have the time to turn around and go back down. So that’s probably not a proper stage 7b then, right? In the spirit of things, I know I suffered enough, but following the letter, I should probably start at the bottom again so I can get to the top and come back down honourably. But tell me, how closely are the wahoominati watching?


Well, I’m done and had a great week. Today (with Mike C) was harder than it should be. Seeing him go up Mt Sufferlandria made it worth it.

Go Davis Phinney!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@#$%, @Natasha.R . Way to finish! So what’d you get to…stage 7e? Very Sufferlandrian of you - now we just have to get you through the castle gates this year…



Sufferlandria is a very spiritual place, with very few laws. I commend your effort as very Sufferlandrian.


:+1:t2: :+1:t4: :+1:t5: