Training advice for 2 minute KOM event

Thank you for the detailed responses to my suggestions. It helps narrow our focus on training strategies for you to win the KOM this year.

So the climb, instead of being 10% for 2 minutes is 5% for half and 15% for half. Do you have a distance or better, a gpx profile, of the climb? It would seem that to match your riding style, the first 5% section would be higher cadence in the saddle @ MAP and the second section would be the lower cadence, higher torque and probably still in the saddle due to traction. Think of G.O.A.T in terms of cadence and torque. It is not necessarily NM power (like a 10 second sprint in Cash Register using the ATP-CK energy system) but the neuromuscular coordination at a low cadence and developing power through the pedal stroke.

When you do low cadence, high torque climbing, do you drop your heels in order to engage the glutes and hamstrings? Thanks to a comment that Sir Neal Henderson made in one of his workouts, I realized that I can do that and get more power climbing.

With those ideas in mind, some of the Big Gear MAP workouts in SYSTM would probably be good for the ‘hard workout’ during the week. In a 3 week train/1 week recover cycle doing one of those each of the first two week, then an AC workout on the third week would probably fit well.

The training volume does seem low and easy with the 80/20 split. I did the time crunched cyclist and triathlete plans as well as the SUF and SYSTM training plans. I found that due to fatigue from the higher intensity rides during the week, I was skipping the lower intensity ones, which hurt my FTP and MAP. Now, focusing on several Zone 2 rides and one QUALITY Zone 4/5 ride, my FTP and MAP are both improving rapidly. Outdoor riding on the weekends may see a longer Saturday ride that has some higher power areas (because of hills and headwinds) but I don’t purposely put intervals into that training. My current volume is still only 8-10 hours a week. It was a surprise to me to see this change after doing a lot of higher intensity intervals. But the science (Zone 2 creates more mitochondria making the muscle more efficient) works across the spectrum of riders from enthusiasts to pros.

Again, you have some time to be able to see if one or two higher intensity sessions per week is giving you the power gain you are looking to achieve. It is highly individualized.

Nutrition on the bike, 400kcal (100g of carbohydrates an hour) is realistic although I would slowly progress from the current 200kcal (50g) to see what works for you.

At 8-9% body fat and 70kg you are probably close to optimal. Going to 68kg (dropping 3% of your body weight) may not be as beneficial since it will cut into the body’s energy stores and also start affecting other metabolic processes. Again, you can figure out what feels good and doesn’t affect performance.

It may be that on the recovery days, if you feel hungry, you need to increase your caloric intake a little (250 kcal), especially if you feel a ‘brain fog’ or fatigued. On the hard ride days when you can’t meet the caloric intake off the bike, realize it and at least focus on macros (protein and complex carbohydrates). That is one reason I like to have a recovery day prior to a hard workout (to fuel up) and a Zone 2 after (to help re-fuel without using a lot of energy).

I know you asked about training plans… would the gravel 100 mile plan work as a foundation? Longer miles on the weekend, and in general, 3 workouts during the week?


Here is the Strava segment used for selecting the winner each year: TBT Race - KOM | Strava Ride Segment in Județul Brașov, Romania

I… don’t know. Should I keep my heels dropped throught the whole motion or go from a dropped heel to an extended toes position as I push on the pedals? I wasn’t aware of this, will research some more.

Indeed, I will experiment with this ratio and see how my body responds.

That may be true. I will not do a hard effort at losing weight, I’ll just try to cut the sweets (fingers crossed). That should account for 1000-2000 kcal a week.

Good idea, thanks.

I would really like some longer rides, but unless there’s a holiday, I simply don’t have the time. Will check out the gravel plan. I was thinking about using the criterium plan as a foundation, but I just end up replacing most of the rides anyway, in line with the plan described in my previous post and with whatever Suff videos match my training focus for the day.

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Also, if anybody is interested in visiting Transylvania (Romania), checking out medieval villages, fortified churches and citadels, while also taking part in a cool MTB event, you should check this out. There’s a lot of easy singletrail, you get to pass through several medieval churches, as well as through a barn-turned-restaurant (photo below). Also, the Fagaras mountains are nearby, with some epic and remote all-mountain trails (along with bears and European bison).


Finished the race. I didn’t win the KOM… I destroyed it! I improved the KOM from a couple years ago by 4 seconds. That record was set by the 3 time national XCM champion. Thank you everybody for the tips and suggestions!

Things I did and I know they helped:

  • lose 3-4 kg compared to last year, going down to under 8% body fat, while not losing on my power numbers
  • lose any unneeded weight from my bike or kit: no tools, no spare tube, no food or water on me at the KOM point

Things I did and probably helped, but I don’t know exactly/ can’t quantify:

  • ate more during the race
  • was slower outside the KOM part
  • bike set up at a 10% incline on the trainer
  • 2 hard workouts a week (something like Half is Easy or Omnium, intervals in the 15s-2minute range) and 4 endurance
  • wider rear tyre (44mm from 40mm) for better grip on the steep section while out of saddle

@aolariu Congrats! Which distance did you race and for your hard workouts were you also doing a warmup and cooldown and what was the length of your typical endurance rides?

I just did a Vermont gravel event and had a similar training schedule with long rides - 3 to 4 hours - on the weekends and a mix of HIIT and endurance during the week generally limited to 1.5 hours per session.

I like your approach to fixing a 10% incline. I think I may do that for my next race which is in about 5 weeks.

The race terrain looks great and I like how they stage it through the town before heading off into the hills. That is a very unique course.


Are you doing the VT 50 ?

@sbrault Yes - are you signed up as well?

Yes I am, did it last year for the first time. It is a hard race

@sbrault Awesome! It is a great event. This will be my 10th year.

I posted this on the TR forum last year and you may find it helpful.

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That is awesome! :clap: :sunglasses:

Way to crush it!

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The race was 77 km, did it in 5h30’ at an easy pace, somewhere half endurance (on the climbs), half recovery (flats and descends). The hard workouts were between 30’-1h15’, with no extra warmup or cooldown on top of what was included in the workout. The endurance rides (3-4 a week) were 1h30’-2h. I normally don’t have time for more, not even in weekends.

Yeah, I’m also a big fan of the course. I like the mix of easy gravel-friendly singletrack through the forest, the summer meadows and the historic villages with fortified churches that are a staple of this part of Romania. I don’t usually repeat races, but I enjoyed coming here for a third time in a row and camping a few days in the area.