Up until now, I have been using a MacBook Pro for my Sufferfest workouts. Very soon I will be looking to migrate to an iPad Pro 11. Having an ANT+ powermeter (Verve Infocrank) I am conscious that it does not and cannot speak to the iPad, the question is: if the Kickr is controlled by the powermeter, can that then speak to the iPad and miss out the power meter needing to communicate with the iPad?
You should be able to connect your power meter to your Kickr using the Wahoo Fitness app. Once that is set up, you can close that app and open The SUfferfest app and connect your Kickr using Bluetooth. Your reported power will be from the power meter.
The kickr power alone will be enough in most cases, but if you want to keep the power from your infocrank you can use an ant+ bridge like the 4iii Viiva https://4iiii.com/viiiiva-heart-rate-monitor/
It basically act as a repeater.
Please keep in mind that power matching is not a feature we offer right now. This article will explain how to choose what to connect if you have both a power meter and a smart trainer: (https://support.thesufferfest.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001322896-Power-Meters-and-Smart-Trainer-connections)
Wahoo and a few other individual trainers offer the option to pair outside of our app. This is your best option for power match if your trainer supports it.
Hey there - also use Infocranks on my main bike, also use and iPad, and also use a Windows PC as well.
In my case, my use case is mildly different as I just use the Tacx Neo (same direct drive concept as your Kickr) for the power indoors rather than try and bridge stuff, as it means my indoor power is always the same if I swap my MTB on to it.
And then keep the Infocranks for my head unit to record when I’m outside. @anon8787683 post above re power matching, but without that, I’m just letting them be separate
Hello: I use an ipad almost exclusively and works perfectly. I have a Kickr Core and it does everything I need. I have even turned off my power meter pedals, as they are not needed at all.
I use an iPad Pro 11, linked to a Bluetooth speaker + a TICKR Fit HR strap and Concept2 BikeErg PM5 via Bluetooth. I was pleasantly surprised at the fast/painless initial setup and it literally takes seconds to open the iPad, connect the devices, and start the ride. Very slick.
Does this only work when using iOS or can you connect your Kickr to your power meter in the Wahoo Fitness app close the iOS app and run Sufferfest on MacOS … on a MacBook?
Once you connect your power meter to the Kickr in the Wahoo Fitness app, you can connect your Kickr to any app and it will report power from your power meter rather than the Kickr. So yes, it will work on a MacBook too!
If you connect a head unit (ANT+) to the power meter, it should read the same as if you connect to the KICKR. So power should match what you’re seeing in SUF.
@anon8787683 I’ve actually made that configuration change using the Wahoo Fitness app on iOS (and told it the ANT+ ID of my PM).
So in The Sufferfest apps, I don’t need to add my PM as a power source, right? (Presumably, this is because my Kickr Snap is reading power output from my PM for me?)
I have actually asked Wahoo Support about this from the perspective of indoor rides using my Wahoo Roam head unit but I don’t think they understand the same thing that you’re saying… they want me to connect my PM to the Roam via ANT+. I shouldn’t need to connect my PM directly to the Roam, since with the Wahoo Fitness app config, the Kickr is already reading from the PM via ANT+ for me, right?
@jfc you are correct- if you’ve connected the power meter via ANT+ to the Kickr Snap using the Wahoo Fitness app, you would connect the Kickr Snap to the app only, and not the power meter. The power reported in the app should be the power from the power meter. This is the only way to get a “power matching” scenario in the app, as we don’t support connecting both a power meter and a smart trainer at the same time.
If you’re recording the workout on your ROAM, you can choose either the power meter connection or the Kickr Snap connection. This is an ANT+ connection, so will not interfere with any connections you’re making to the app. With the PM connected to the trainer, the result should be that both connections match. A word of caution if you’re connecting the ROAM to the Kickr Snap and not the PM- make sure you’re using the ROAM in Indoor mode and PASSIVE mode. Otherwise, your ROAM may be fighting the app for trainer control.
In order for the app to control the Kickr Snap and the ROAM to not interfere- the app can be set to ERG or Level mode, but the ROAM must be set to Passive mode. If you’re not sure how to select passive mode on the ROAM, check out the link I posted above for instructions!
I’d like to add some extra important details about setting up the power match feature in the Wahoo app.
1- The connection between the trainer and the app is reset any time that the trainer is power cycled- this means that any time you unplug your trainer, you will need to reset the connection to the power meter in the Wahoo app prior to connecting to the Sufferfest app.
2- Because of the accuracy of the Wahoo trainers, and the difference in indoor vs outdoor power numbers, connecting a power meter to the trainer is most likely unnecessary. The only trainer that may benefit from this feature is the Kickr Snap. See the following articles: Indoor vs Outdoor numbers Power meter vs Smart trainer numbers
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!