Videos buffering in Wahoo Systm

For simplicities sake, I believe what we all want here is:

  • Toggle switch for “Automatically download videos in upcoming calendar”
    ** Drop down for how many days in advance: Default 7?
    ** Toggle for “Use Wifi only / Any data connection”
  • Toggle switch for “Automatically delete videos”
    ** Selection option for: “Upon completion” / “Least used entry when storage = [user definable data size]”

This way users can decide if they want SYSTM to download videos on their behalf in advance, so they don’t have to remember to. They can also then decide how many videos they want resident on their machine, or how much data space they want taken up, or that they want to keep a repository of every video if they have space.
This is the most user convenient system and also the least work/visible options (that I can immediately envision)