What training plan would people recommend for Long distance riding training?
My goal is to ride the AUX London-Edinburgh-London next year. I attempted this in 2013 and dropped out after 48 hours, in part due to not doing enough training. I was right on the time limits when I dropped out due to eating issues, so even if I would have been able to carry on I’d likely have failed to complete anyway due to being out of time.
I’m taking it a lot more seriously now. If the ride takes place (thanks Covid) it will be in August next year.
I’ve already started a full century training plan, then realised that I wasn’t fit enough, so done a full frontal prep, then the fitness kick starter. All my FF numbers actually got worse after the fitness prep, but I did poorly in the FF test. I know I’m much fitter than I was before I started, as I’m so much quicker on the road.
Improving my speed so much has actually lit a fire inside me know. Previously I’ve always been a plodder. I’ve got around routes always bumping up against the time limits, and thought that was just the way I was. Sufferfest has shown me the joy and potential of suffering, and now I’m thinking that I would not just be able to finish the 1500km ride, but do it in a good time.
My goal in mind now is to finish in under 100 hours. That’s 100 hours total (time limit is 125 hours total). If I do a 16 hour day, that’s about 22kmh riding pace. I’ve been out for a few short rides and been able to easily maintain that pace without feeling like I was running into the red, so I think that’s doable.
So, my question. Which training plan would be best? Prior to my poor FF performance, my rider type has always been rouleur, so a good all rounder.
I was thinking about doing the full century plan, but my daily aim would be to do twice that per day (at least 350km a day)
So instead I’m thinking about concentrating on speed. Would the Time trial training plan be a good fit?
Thoughts? What do you think would be a good training plan for Ultra distance riding?