120OLD on a Kickr SNAP?

Anybody done this?
My '70’s era Motobecane’s rear DO’s 120, about 15mm shy of minimum adjustment to mount to my new Kickr SNAP. Using Wahoo’s skewer it sticks out way too far on drive side.
Fortunately my Kona Dew+ is “plug & play” in that respect, fits just peachy. Just not as fun to ride as it’s my ‘commuter’ bike, weather permitting. The MB’s more recreational, geared better for the hills where I ride now.

I’ve not put a 120 dropout bike on a Snap but have done it on another conventional wheel on trainer same methods should work for you. 2 options

If the clamp on the trainer will close tight enough, saw the end of the 5mm threaded rod of the QR flush with the nut.

If the clamp won’t tighten up that small space out the nut ends of the QR with 5mm thickness worth of washers each side between the outside face of the dropouts and the QR nut and lever ends.


“If the clamp on the trainer will close tight enough, saw the end of the 5mm threaded rod of the QR flush with the nut.”

It won’t close w/ Wahoo-supplied QR skewer, no. As I need that skewer to mount my Kona, I think the spacer idea has merit. I work in a hardware store, easy access to washers galore as well as solid metal bushings that may be a better choice owing to their ‘one piece’ engineering as opposed to a stack of washers. Important thing is that everything that should be tight once mounted is truly flat to begin with I think.

Thanks for your suggestion! What you’re telling me fits with my concept of what to do next.