I just completed this one for the first time and I had to hit pause during the 90 sec interval after the first 2 min interval because I hit my max heartrate and needed to recover. I noticed that the intervals are all at 105% of my MAP, so when I dialed down the second set to 95% I was doing intervals right at my new MAP which was set two weeks ago mid All-purpose plan during a Half Monty. The second set was still really tough, but I made it.
That was the first time I had to pause and/or dial down a workout so after my workout I sorted the entire workout library by IF and this is the hardest workout in the library. Only two are rated harder, but they are both short ones that are basically 21 min and 35 min FTP intervals; Extra Shot and Long Scream, so I wouldn’t include those as interval sessions. This was my last scheduled MAP workout prior to doing a Full Monty next weekend, so it makes sense that Wahoo would place this at the end of a 12 week plan to get one last HIT workout to boost your MAP prior to the taper week into the FM.