4 day training plan option?

Hi there,

is there a way to select a 4 day training plan? I could not find one and would love a plan with two fixed days a week Tuesday & Thursday and weekends (either indoor or outdoor). I keep missing workouts on the all purpose plan as I also do bodyweight strength and have a dog so am very active and just don’t have energy do 5 or 6 sessions in the high volume weeks.

I want to use my time as best as possible without making my own plan, as I have no idea what I’d be doing.

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:


I 2nd this. I used to do 4 on 3 off and it works well (for me anyways)

Hey @Linus_Lawrence
Welcome to the forum. Of course I would recommend a customized plan designed by one of our coaches to get you the absolute best fit for your schedule/ goals. If that is not possible you could opt for the Novice all purpose road plan and just do the key workouts in any given week. Most of those weeks are T-Th-Sa-Su for the key workouts.


Good question,I have the same head ache looking at the plans as I only have 3 times per week to ride due to other commitments.
What plan would the coaches recommend following to increase my FTP (250)

Hey @james1980fagan ,
Welcome to the forum! Without knowing more details about you and your schedule, I’d recommend the novice all purpose road plan and just ride the key workouts each week.

Thanks couch.spencer.R
I’ll give it a go.:+1:

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I’d love a 4 day per week plan. There are other ways to suffer than on a bike. Maybe someday there will be a real calendar where you can drag and drop workouts either to another date or into the trash.