About the Challenges and Achievements category

Here’s the place for discussing all things related to challenges and badges. We have Yoga Challenges, Mental Toughness Training, as well as a hoard of cycling challenges including the Wahooligan Tour - our annual fundraising event raising awareness for the Davis Phiney Foundation.


As a long time Sufferlandrian, I have always been assiduous in collecting badges but more than that it was nice to have challenges since it is a long long time between the annual Tours of Sufferlandria. The Sufferfest Giro and Tour de France challenges were good but I would really like to see Sufferlandrian National Day, with three videos, return in the previous September slot, with a nice poster highlighting the scenic wonders of the country and the celebrated architecture of Agonia.

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SUF challenges:

Can we possibly add some different styles of challenges for people? Some suggestions that create interest and a bit of fun/gameification as well as of course

  1. Do some sort of longer term challenges. Like a group of climbing videos to be done over the course of two months for a climbing challenge

  2. Another long term challenge like doing a virtual ‘tour’ but over 1/2/3 months collecting some stages together that are somehow linked.

  3. A calendar year challenge that requires us to complete a defined number from each category to get a ‘year badge’

  4. A monthly ‘ 6 videos ‘ challenge every month with a selection of videos chosen each month.

The list goes on and on and on and on. With some dedicated people/person for it for a while we could get a system set up to add some gameification elements to SUF beyond the current badges.

@Cody.Moore !?