You know, I’ve been thinking. Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t some “de-suffing” of the Sufferfest start before Wahoo took over? I mean, when it was still The Sufferfest, some “offensive” material was already being removed from the workout videos as well as SUF merchandise, i.e, The original CoA and Flag, just to name a few. I know there is frustration about the de-suffing and re-mastering of original Sufferfest workouts by Wahoo but, in as much as I hate to say it, I think it’s clear that there isn’t any interest in our concerns by Wahoo. Besides, and I mean absolutely no disrespect by this but the brain child’s of The Sufferfest, Sir David and Sir Dylan, jumped ship as well. Believe me, I hate it just as much as the next guy or gal but, we just keep banging our heads against the wall and the climb gets steeper and steeper with no sign of cooperation from the company. It just seems to me like they are going to do whatever they want without anyone’s input. Is it worth the fight or frustration anymore. Is it time to just accept that we are just a number and not a “customer”?
I mean no disrespect to anyone or entity here. Just throwing some thoughts out there.
Sir @David.McQuillen.KoS selling SUFF to Wahoo was generally the beginning of the slide, but you’re not wrong. I think the main difference here is that the changes made PRIOR to Wahoo were often based on feedback and response from the user base. You (not YOU, but you) may not think much of the changes to the flag, logos, videos, etc., but they mattered enough to the community that SUFF made the changes.
Sir David listened. Heck, there used to be minions all over this board, engaging with users and joining in threads.
As @CPT_A said, the changes made by Sir David after the purchase by Wahoo were not de-SUFfing. It was modification of specific content based on user feedback. Which is the opposite of what is happening now which is large-scale changes to remove SUF content without user-input or explanation from Wahoo. Maybe there’s logic to it, but we wouldn’t know. I imagine that’s the part that makes the acceptance so difficult and infuriating for most.