šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ Announcing: SYSTM, the new home of The Sufferfest šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€

It took two years to make this ā€œupgradeā€ to make it more attractive and brandable to new subscribers? Were current subscribers calling for a different color/style? Did Wahoo/Sufferfest even consider current subscribers wants for a calendar which can be easily modified, moving multiple workouts at a time rather than the extremely tedious process of moving individual workouts one at a time? As it is, it seems that Wahoo/Sufferfest think that if you commit to a 10 week training plan or whatever, that youā€™re not allowed to have any life interruptions, not allowed to take a vacation during that 10 week period. Itā€™s extremely annoying having to backtrack into the calendar to see which workout you should be on and not being able to push your entire training plan forward so you can resume. Everyday digging through the calendar Iā€™m reminded of how bad the calendar is and how it makes me think that the extra $5/month for TrainerRoad is worth it for their commonsense drag and drop calendar.

Over the past 6 months when I first joined, Iā€™ve been emailing support asking how to bulk move workouts. They told me that theyā€™d heard many subscribers wanting a calendar that can easily be modified and that the new app coming would address this issue. All I can say is that this ā€œupgradeā€ is a major disappointment and to me illustrates theyā€™re more focused on getting new subscribers, rather than retaining current subscribers that have major problems with the calendar.

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I knowā€¦ 2 devices at a time: smart trainer and HR seems enough :slight_smile:
And if not, there are multiple ways to work around the issue, like the ANT to BLE converter, or do like Zwift did, and make a mobile app that can ā€œdriveā€ the screen on the Apple TV


As someone who trains offline only due to an underground bike room, after flicking around the new iOS app there seem to be features missing compared to the old app:

  1. No way to filter by downloaded workouts.
  2. A workoutā€™s download size is not shown.
  3. Canā€™t see the total size of downloaded workouts.

Iā€™ll try the other features and new channels first before commenting on those.


You can delete the current plan and re-add using the desired ending date instead of start date. It will retain completed workouts and add the remainder from today forward. If you skip two weeks, move your end date out two weeks and youā€™ll pick up right where you left off.

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Iā€™m not even sure how that would work. I have no desired ending date, I simply want to push all my workouts out the number of days that I missed. I donā€™t know how Iā€™d even figure out the supposed ending date to accomplish what I want to do. It seems overly complicated and again, something that Wahoo should have addressed a long time ago.

No Apple TV support. Why?


Are others able to get workouts to play in the Android app? Iā€™ve tried to play a couple of Yoga vids and just get a ā€˜Video errorā€™ message (My phone is connected to a rock-solid Internet connection). Thereā€™s no option to make a video available offline either. I tried some other workouts and the video half-played but there was no music, no content, and pausing/resuming didnā€™t work properly.

Sadly as it stands the Android version is completely useless to me.

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Look at your current plan. Scroll in the calendar to find its end date and add two weeks to it. Delete the current plan and add the new one using the new end date.

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Any way to play music in iOS on the same device during a workout? It worked (wonkiky) in Sufferfest pre-update. Doesnā€™t work now. I had a very quiet no-vid workout this morning.


Whilst also not really a fan of the new ā€œbrandingā€ (how drab and boring) ultimately the training is as good as it ever was, and thatā€™s what itā€™s about. The new app is a step up in how it offers a bit more, is DEFINITELY much more ā€œpolishedā€ than the original app (on Windows it was always sluggish and felt like swimming through treacle) and overall is a step up.

Sucks to see The Sufferfest branding pushed to the background, but overall itā€™s an improvement.


Glad itā€™s here for Android. I could care less about all the other stuff and fluff. This ALWAYS will be The Sufferfest for me! I was one of your first, and will be supportive, whether this FOBS (Fat, Old, Bald, and Slow) is up for all the changes or not. Not a fan whatsover of the flag change, and am kicking myself for not getting one years ago. Oh wellā€¦change with the times, I guess.


@Sir_Brian_M I just tried that and it didnā€™t work, I should be on Cobbler today but itā€™s showing The Way Out. I donā€™t know how to re-align the calendar with the next workout I should be on and now that I deleted the initial plan, I donā€™t know if the rest of the plan is all out of whack now as I didnā€™t make a screenshot. This is such an obtuse way to manipulate the calendar, it makes no sense at all.

Is there a way to synch the training calendar on the app with oneā€™s own personal calendar on Google or one of the other online calendars?


@BGeff Thatā€™s another feature that was promised but doesnā€™t appear to have been added.


Itā€™s a workaround. But because of all the new content so it wonā€™t necessarily be identical to your old plan, but should accomplish the same goals. For more specific help, contact the minions.

Iā€™ve used this workaround in the past and it worked for me. Just trying to help.

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there is def a way to download the workouts. Iā€™m not an android user but in iOS once you select the workout from the library, beside ā€œStart Workoutā€ is a down arrow that would allow you to download it. Any android users out there can correct me if itā€™s different on droid over iOS.

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There is no option yet

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@Sir_Brian_M I appreciate your help. Unfortunately the workaround didnā€™t seem to address my goal. No fault of yours of course, just a terribly designed calendar modifying system by Sufferfest and Wahoo.

Iā€™ve contacted the minions but havenā€™t heard anything in 4 hours. I assume theyā€™ll be busy with the new app rollout so who knows when I might hear back and even if/when I hear back Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll just say something about a useful calendar will be in the next upgrade. Hopefully it doesnā€™t take 2 more years for that. Iā€™m so annoyed Iā€™m about to jump ship to TR.


THIS :fu: please! :slight_smile: