Bavaria: Burgberg

Today I did the #NEW Bavaria: Burgberg workout. First of all, Sir Standsalot, are you nuts? 22 10sec sprints? Ugh. Oy. Well, whether you are nuts or not, I took it on today. Let me start by saying that consecutive, high power, high cadence sprints are not my strength and had I attempted these at the prescribed power level I would have have been toast just half way through the first 8 sprints so I dialed them down to a level that would push me hard while at the same time allowing me to complete all of them at the prescribed cadence without totally destroying myself which would have resulted in several of the sprints not being completed. I did, however, increase the power over the course of the workout and dialed up the last two sprints back up to 100% and completed them, out of the saddle, at full power and above the prescribed cadence. Again, consecutive, high power, high cadence sprints and intervals are not my forte hence why I avoid workouts such as Violator and The Shovel.


oooh sprinty! Nice work, Sir!


Based on recommendations by @Coach.Mac.C and Coach Neal on one of their podcasts, I try to do Violator once per quarter. I have done that so far for 7 consecutive quarters, but not yet this quarter.


@Glen.Coutts Thank you Sir.


Thought I was the only one that struggled with this workout…

Not the typical on location


I did it last weekend. And trying to do those low cadence sprints was almost impossible. That takes a lot of practice!


The OL vids can be sneaky little devils. Some of them are, arguably, harder than some SUF vids. The kind where you get through it, just.

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