Change 1st day if the week in calendar


is it possible to change the first day of the week in the app calendar? If not would be really great to have that option.

Welcome to the forums @mansour_SUF !

I donā€™t believe there is a way to change that atm.

I personally like having Monday at the start, but Iā€™m sure youā€™re not alone.

Iā€™ve moved this to Feature Requests :slight_smile:


Hi Glen,

Thanks for the response and the welcoming remarks :slight_smile:
I prefer to have the first day of the plan as the first day of the calendar :), also my week starts on sunday :slight_smile:


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You can make your plan start on any day you choose. The default is to start on Monday but thereā€™s no reason not to have your plan start any day you like. The calendar itself though, at least at this time, is not configurable.


Welcome aboard. As Sir Glen has pointed out you can set your plan to start on any day.

As for the first day of the week question/debate hereā€™s my geeked out answerā€¦

Its an International Standard (ISO 8601) that states Monday is the first ā€œofficialā€ day of the week.

Most countries have adopted that as their ā€˜standardā€™ and the last time I had to look this up only about 25% of the population considered a day other than Monday as the first day of the week.


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In terms of countries you are correct. However in terms of population (which is most relevant here), it is split.

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Most people observe the idea of a weekend, and that is defined as Saturday-Sunday, not Friday-Saturday. Imagine using a traditional paper calendar, and you want to make note of a weekend trip out of town where you leave Sat morning and come back Sun night ā€” it makes far more sense to have both those days together at the end of the week. Having a Sunday start to the week then means you need to split this activity to both sides and it is visually weird.

Many workplaces ā€” universities, banks, etc. have a Mon-Fri work week, and the concept of Monday as the start of the week is pretty common. For some types of religious folks, Sunday is seen as the day of rest at the end of the week.

In my anecdotal experience, thereā€™s far more evidence of Monday as start of week and Sunday as end from what people actually do in their lives versus a Sunday start.

Note I live in America and everything I use is Monday start (pretty much everyone I know has a M-F work week), and Iā€™m far from alone, so resources that claim America is Sunday start are not completely accurate.

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Or you could be living in a Muslim country where the weekend is Thursday-Friday. the week begins on Saturday

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I blame the Google for the population bit. In fact I blame, Google for everythingā€¦ :slight_smile:

Certainly! Iā€™m not religious myself so hard to remember all the people who do different things. My primary point is that a resource that claims all Americans start their week on Sunday does not reflect what I experience in my own life. In America, my guess is if you asked an elementary school kid to ā€œname the days of the week,ā€ theyā€™d reply ā€œMonday, Tuesdayā€¦ā€ just like if you asked to recite the alphabet theyā€™d start ā€œa, b, cā€¦ā€ and not ā€œq, r, sā€.

I also think a dedicated calendar app should allow any day to be the start of a week; if one is a manager of a taqueria who takes Sunday and Monday off, and the start of the week is ā€œTaco Tuesdayā€ then fine, make it Tuesday.

However, for SYSTM, which Iā€™d argue is not primarily a calendar app, and given the small team overall, Iā€™d rather prioritize features like making an Apple TV version, which is what I use for the majority of my workouts, especially now that weā€™re losing RGT which did run on Apple TV. I think the ability to start a plan on any day of the week is sufficient to cover different peopleā€™s needs, and the overall visual of the calendar is of less importance.

People keep asking for a native Apple TV version. Ask yourself two questions:

  1. How big is the audience who would use such a version? In RGT they gathered statistics and found that less than one percent of use was through the native application and it was difficult to maintain two different code based.
  2. Should the creation of a new version be prioritized over solving issues with the current code base and version where four different systems are supported?
    My answer is: Create an Apple TV version when there are sufficient resources to create and maintain a completely different code base. Until then, solve the issues with the current software code. There are several applications that need serious work done on them. Support programs for Wahoo hardware and software have major problems in their current versions. This comes from someone who worked with a heavy duty application that had features added to it that literally broke our use of said application and we had to due a full backout by restore taking several days. Nobody would put up with that in the sports entertainment software business.

Apologies, I did not mean that an Apple TV version was the most important thing for Wahoo. I simply meant that is was a feature I personally would like to see, versus changing the calendar view to allow alternate start days.

If thereā€™s showstopping level bugs currently at play (I donā€™t consider lack of Sunday start a showstopper), then clearly fixing those should be a priority. Iā€™m happily unaware of any major problem in my own usage.

As for how popular an Apple TV version would be, I personally donā€™t have that data, but I imagine some people at Wahoo might have a good idea. Theyā€™d know, for example, the usage patterns for RGT and which platforms were most popular for that app, and where Apple TV stood in relation. I donā€™t know what ā€œone percent of use was through the native applicationā€ means? Are you saying Wahoo has come out and said Apple TV users are/were only 1% of the overall RGT user base? Or something else? If the RGT Apple TV version was barely used, then I can see not prioritizing SYSTM.

I can say in some other communities, like Fulgaz, Rouvy, and some Zwift communities, usage of Apple TV seems popular enough, but thatā€™s likely me ā€œfinding my own tribeā€ out there. Iā€™m likely to switch to Fulgaz this winter season myself.