Citizens of Sufferlandria post-Tour Victory Lap

Hi Dave, thank you very much! I guess i can not say no to a one month free!


Sir @CPT_A

Thank you very much for the invitation. For sure,
It’s tempting, although I’ll have to earn the KoS title first.

One question is whether it makes sense to have both Zwift and Systm. I understand some here have. Is there a thread here where it has already been discussed? Would love to read experienced opinions. The reason I choose Systm was clear and unequivocal: access to The Sufferfest videos. I’ve never trained with Zwift, but given its success, I imagine it must have something. The gaming aspect and the challenge are undoubtedly appealing, as I experienced in the “brief” journey of Stage 7E the Epilogue. Also, the requirement to reach a certain level just to be granted access to Alp du Zwift certainly spikes the spirit of a Sufferlandrian. The only concern is, naturally, adding another subscription…


That’s the only thing for me too. If I could only keep one it’s SYSTM for The Sufferfest. I actually like Zwift for the climbs, the opportunity for group rides in different worlds. The potential for virtual shifting (depending on your indoor BTC setup) and racing if that’s your thing. I also have used it to have something to look at on longer Z1/2/3 rides For actual hard interval training workouts I found it mind-numbingly dull. I’ve got a sub to Zwift that expires mid April and I don’t see myself keeping it during my outdoor riding season (May-October)


Thank you Sir Glen! I am tempted


No worries, @Tiago_Branco - looking forward to having you around the club if you end up in Zwift.

As for Systm v. Zwift, in my opinion that’s the wrong comparison. Having used both extensively now, I would never say Zwift is a replacement for Systm/SUFF. They do have some workouts, which are fine, but nothing like what Systm offers. The comparison for me was between Systm and TrainerRoad.

After years of Systm, I felt like I’d plateaued pretty hard this past year. I got an offer for a free 90-day trial at TR so gave that a shot. In short, TR’s workouts (hundreds of them) and tailored training plans worked really well for me last fall and I feel like I had a breakout CX season. I’ve since continued on through my winter training season and have seen steady progress (+15% FTP this winter, increased CP, VO2 max, cTHR, etc.), so I’ve decided - for this year anyway - to use TR as my training program. One for one subscription swap.

So where does Zwift come in? Like most die-hard, long-term Sufferlandrians, I was anti-Zwift and its cartoony social riding, but I decided to try it out with the free year Wahoo tossed us after tanking RGT. Turns out I’ve really enjoyed the group rides, plus my IRL team does an e-sports thing as well, which requires Zwift. The biggest thing for me though was the Zwift/TR combination. As much as I like the technical and program aspects of TR, it’s basically 100% no-vids, which can get pretty tedious. But I can run Zwift on my computer/monitor and let TR control the trainer underneath and suddenly all of my TR workouts have some depth.

I’ve done group and solo rides while running TR in the background. I’ve custom built some TR workouts into Zwift’s workout editor to run with my team. And now I’ve lead a few club rides in Zwift with TR in the background. It has really helped smooth out the 200+ miles/week I’m putting into TR.

It was really hard deciding to pull the trigger and let my Systm subscription lapse - I absolutely miss some of my favorite SUFF vids, Sir @michael.cotty, the whole bunch (though I still do @abicarver workouts from her site!), but yeah - multiple subscriptions. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that all the Wahoo shenanigans and stoooopidity (thanks Sir @Glen.Coutts ) made the decision a lot easier for me. :grimacing:

When my Zwift freebie comes around in October, I will PROBABLY continue it with TR, but will have to see…


As usual, I use SYSTM and Zwift similar to @Glen.Coutts. And sometimes I used IndieVelo the same as I use Zwift, but it’s just not as mature and doesn’t allow riding without control of your power device (unlike Zwift where you can allow Zwift to read your power, but also choose not to allow Zwift to control it).

I use SYSTM for the training plans (tho I modify them heavily to give myself a lot more Z) and The Sufferfest workouts.

And I use Zwift (and IndieVelo) for scenery during my longer Z2 rides, a few of my own custom workouts, the occasional race or group rides, and to do climbing training that feels pretty realistic. You can’t do a vEveresting in SYSTM, but you can in Zwift. And will probably be able to in IndieVelo once it’s public.

So to me, they are complementary. They each have things the other doesn’t.


Have DM you the code.

Happy Zwifting!



I use SYSTM and IndieVelo which is similar to Zwift. Currently, IndieVelo has a free option which is excellent. I have chosen to subscribe tho. No rral benenfit to subscription at the moment apart from team kit


you’re supporting the dev though. That’s kind of you.

3 Likes same. They work hard and need some love.


Yes that is why I suscribed :grin:


We were few, but we were mighty. @Tiago_Branco handily outpaced Fluffy while Sir @Glen.Coutts was spinning out like a hamster (Cadence Builds in the background, I’m told…).

Thanks guys for coming out. It was almost like riding with you IRL.

Just a reminder we’ll be going again Saturday timeframe - hopefully we can get a few more Knights and Citizens to join us!


Here’s a graph to show my 200+ RPM Club recertification.

Be the hamster. :hamster:

Here’s a better one


Wow!! I struggle to hit 175.

I definitely lean a little more to the endurance side.


Wow! 200! Even 175 seems like a lot. I may have reached into the high 160s a time or two with cadence builds


The one time I hit 180 I was pulling on my handlebars and trying so hard to stay on the saddle that I ended up with the nose of my saddle pushing down at around a 20 degree angle. My saddle clamp hasn’t been the same since.


I take these numbers with a grain or two of lava salt. My Kickr tops out its cadence calculations at around 150 rpm, and my bluetooth cadence sensor does the same. The only sensor I’ve been able to use that will actually capture over 170-180 is my old ant+ only garmin cadence sensor. So, when I do cadence builds, I attach the ant+ dongle and extension cord but run everything else through bluetooth. It’s a bit of a faff, but I get a kick out of seeing the cadence peak at over 200 rpm. It’s very satisfying.

Here’s a nice pic of me, Cap’n Sir Ian @CPT_A and @Tiago_Branco. They had to wait for me a couple times cuz when I spin that fast, and try to return to normal cadence, my flywheel is spinning but it takes a bit for the cranks to actually return some resistance. On Zwift, it looks like I’ve stopped then I get spit out the back of the banded ride.

Twas a fun little spin and would def do again, if I can swing the timing.


222?!? :exploding_head:


You have like 12” legs, sir @Glen.Coutts, or ride a little tiny clown bike?

I’ve maxed out in the high 180’s on my Kickr before i feel it slip. Can’t imagine how you do it (though your avatar was hilarious on the zwift ride today!)


This is what it looks like IRL. Taken a couple years ago, but it’s basically the same. It’s a fun time.

200 RPM.mp4


You’re just a blur, Sir.
