I did Thin Air today. I really like Thin Air; it was the first new workout to be released after I entered Sufferlandria and I’ve always thought it was a particularly good one. It’s got a great ‘hook’ for a long effort, a good storyline and good music. The same is true of The Wretched; another of my favourites.
What I don’t understand is why the targets have been changed. Thin Air used to be an 80 TSS workout and was comparable to Angels in intensity. The Wretched had an IF of 1 (and was the only Sufferfest that did, I think); of course it did, it’s the “Tour de France stage” workout. Now they’re both essentially sweetspot/medium threshold workouts, and the whole feel of them has changed. I still enjoy them, but I don’t really feel the same sense of achievement that I used to when doing them. Staying on top of The Wretched right to the end used to be a sign that it was time to do a fitness test. Now…meh.
Is there any chance we can have the original workouts back as Classic versions? I assume it wouldn’t involve much in the way of changes beyond the actual targets - we got to keep The Hunted and Fight Club, so why not these too?