Covid vaccine and training

I felt off for a few days after 1st dose of Pfizer and crushed for 3-4 days after 2nd dose. That said I’ve heard others with much better and much worse reactions. Either way, it seems like the best strategy is to listen to your body, ease back into things. After I started feeling normal again, I did a recovery ride day, an endurance ride day, then a tempo ride. That progression seemed to work well for me


@akosk I had dose 2 of Pfizer last Monday. I did a workout in the AM before the shot then took Tuesday off from training. I did a light workout on Wednesday and felt good to go on Thursday.


Got my 2nd shot on Friday. Will be doing my first workout on Monday. Did a big garage cleanup, today any didn’t feel and worse for wear. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow.

@emacdoug You should be fine from the vaccine but that garage cleanup might hit you hard tomorrow. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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My legs and lungs will be fine, but my arms may be tired. :smile:

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I had my first Pfizer 2 weeks ago. Arm swelled a little bit at injection site but not troubling.

I have had trouble getting back into training however. I’ve had worse asthma than I have for over 15 years. Basically everything that I’ve ever had an inflammatory issue with, or injured has flared up. I had a followup call from nsw (Australia) health and the nurse said that people with asthma were reporting outcomes similar to me, incidence seemed to be about 10-20% higher with worse severity.

The other weird thing is that it feels like my legs are burning out sooner. You know that feeling you get in the ninth hammer? I’m getting it way earlier and at lower intensities.

So I’m trying to take it (relatively) easy getting back into it. I get jab #2 next week. Fear I’ll be taking a tour of Couchlandria for a while :sob:

I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine on Friday and I felt normal that day. On Saturday I had a slight ache in my head, body, and eyes, and my eyes had some sensitivity to light. I noticed no other symptoms. By Sunday, everything felt relatively normal.

Resting HR was a bit elevated during the weekend by 10-20 bpm. I did no training sessions until Monday, which was a recovery ride. Yesterday I went for 3 repeats of a tough MTB climb and I felt strong, so I plan to resume training. RHR was back to normal today despite last night’s effort.

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I had my 2nd Pfizer shot on Friday last week. I was fine until Sat morning. Then I had a fever over 101 for 8 hours. It then dropped to just over 99 until Sun morning. Then it was fine. Also had some GI issues that also went away by Sun morning. But haven’t been riding most of this week for other reasons. Rode an hour today and my only issue was I rearranged my room and my fan was blowing on my legs and torso, but not my head. :pleading_face::see_no_evil:


Rode over 2 hours today. No issues except that it was the first long ride in 2 weeks, but still felt good. Igniter then Endurance+ then 10 minutes of Recovery Spin. Almost 2 weeks off. Only planned for 1, but I’m glad for the extra rest. Pushed my training plan back a week. Back at it with Team Scream on Monday. “Welcome back!” says, GvA.


I had my second AZ jab Friday evening. After the first jab a couple of months ago I felt tired for quite a few days.
After the second I feel fine, in fact less than 24 hours after 2nd jab I completed ISLTA @ 100% with almost identical HR as previously. Thought I might pay for it today, but so far so good! I have a recovery ride in the plan today and that’s what I’ll do today I think. Really surprised by the difference in reactions to 1st and 2nd jab.

Had my second Pfizer jab yesterday. Totally knocked me out, went to bed at 4pm. Found the yoga session hard today. No way I’m going to be busting out any game numbers for a while. Took me almost 3 weeks to feel almost normal after the first jab.

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Advice on training after my second Pfizer and preparation for 4DP?
Get my second shot on Friday 25th. My first one was Friday 28th May. I felt tired over the weekend after the first, but managed a reasonable ride on the Sunday after spending both mornings in bed to up to lunch.
I have the 4DP the weekend after my second shot. I presume I should just rest up the Saturday and Sunday after the jab and miss the sessions. (they are only 2 x 1 hour anyway) and then just do the taper week as per normal and hope for the best and that I recovered for 4DP?

Mmm. There’s probably a medical answer to this. I’m no doctor.

I had my second (AZ) shot yesterday.

Spent the evening on a full on 4hr effort. No idea if the vaccine had any impact. Felt just as knackered as I should do when going full beans for the first two hours and two hours on and off afterwards.

Nurse didn’t seem bothered by whatever I was going to get up to.

I dunno. Do we need to behave differently - I guess if we feel physically unwell we would.


I did FF on getting home from the second Pfizer jab, about an hour after being stabbed by the nurse. I wanted to get it done before the effects kicked in and I was pleased with the results (see April 10th up thread). I felt really off the next day (could have been a hangover though as I did rehydrate quite enthusiastically) and for a couple of days after that I wasn’t great (probably not the hangover but let’s not rule it out completely), so wouldn’t have wanted to do a test in the half week after the jab.


I can imagine a good rehydration session might have not helped next day on top of vaccine. I suppose I have 8 days to recover anyway and it is a long rest/taper period on the plan. I suppose it could not have fallen better in the plan. I don’t fear the 4DP but I respect it and I know I have to be mentally and physically fresh to do it. As @Martin said, it may come down to how I feel afterwards and on the day. Fingers crossed.

I got my shot of Janssen last Wednesday. Nicely timed into the recovery week of my SUF training plan. Felt like having catched a cold the day after. I had minor aches in the legs and joints and just felt not at 100% but nothing too serious. Friday I slowly felt like returning to normal. Saturday I went for a one hour bike ride at Recovery/Endurance intensity and felt good. Sunday was a Tempo session and today “Defender”. All fine.


so after zero symptoms with sinopharm back in december last year, and my antibody test showing super high levels of antibodies, I went for my 6-month pfizer booster (mandatory here for access to public places) and was offered the second pfizer to make travelling easier, as most places don’t accept sinopharm.

had the second pfizer thursday afternoon after work, giving me the weekend to suffer if I had any symptoms. lucky I did that because yesterday I could barely move, but today I’m fine and back to work tomorrow.

I’m finding the reaction/no reaction thing so interesting between people and different vaccines. how is everyone else getting on??