Does Straighten your leg mean to lock it?

I’m finally revisiting Yoga after a far too-long absence and wondered if, when using a strap and Abi von Agony @abicarver says to straighten your leg, if she means locked in place (almost hyper extended) or if we should have a slight bend at the knee, so straightish but unlocked?

It feels waaaay more natural to have that slight bend but figured I’d ask the Yogi and Yogini’s in the crowd.


My honest opinion is not to lock it….straighten but don’t “lock it”.

I wish I had that concern :confused:

After 2,397 straight days of yoga and stretching I still can’t “straighten” either leg :confused:


I’ve had nearly as many days in a row of NOT doing yoga, hence the recognition it’s time to get back into it. :man_facepalming:t3:

More than 6.5 years of daily yoga :person_in_lotus_position: :exploding_head: MASSIVE kudos to you, Sir @Eric .

I’ve had conflicting opinions on the straight vs lock question. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter! Much appreciated. :pray:


I would also say not to lock out. My knees do hyperextend so I’ve worked a bit on this. Actively think hard about using your muscles to straighten and stretch what you’re trying to stretch rather then straighten without thinking.

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