Fat Noob here.........1st time user....need help

Hi there.

  1. Yes - though the precise rationale is inside the SUF ecosystem.
    From my own point of view this is a good thing for a) variety b) may also include new workouts if any have changed over time and either way, will be tailored to your test at its core even if workouts are a bit different.

  2. (If) you ride for that time outdoors then I’d think about it in those terms. Things in SUF with that duration are often some sort of endurance ride without maxing out on threshold. Which may also mean you can sub with an outdoor ride maybe?
    I would also (my own use case of one here) happily plan in a cup of tea at 2hrs and a change of kit even if I fancied it. Similar to a social ride with friends. If cake was handy I’d have that too. Then I’d go finish it off.


Thank you @mowag and @Martin for your prompt and valuable advice.

This is my first time encountering such a long ride. Would like to know what would you recommend for me to take during the long ride

(Please fill in what you think is suitable. Thank you so much :pray:)

  1. energy gel
  2. Hydro pills (those we put into waters)
  3. energy bar
  4. apple juice?
  5. coke? pepsi? :smirk:
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For such a long ride that is such a low intensity, just water. If it’s very hot, I might add a pinch of salt to each bottle to replace electrolytes lost through sweating.


This is what I would do (but we’re all different)

  1. 07:00 Porridge (proper size bowl with real honeycomb on top)
  2. 08:30 Yoga
  3. 09:00 start ride
  4. I’d occupy myself for the first 1:15-1:30 with riding with just water if I’m keeping the pace in Z2
  5. At about that time I’d probably snack in something. In my case part of a Graze bar pack. Part of this isn’t about ‘needing to’. It’s partly ‘want to/ changes what I’m doing for 5 minutes and breaks up the riding.
  6. I might get off at some point half way and take a comfort break to just ‘walk’ instead of being in the bike
  7. I’d grab a ‘bar’ like a sis energy bar at this point, or a bit of toast of my daughter was a round to make me one.
  8. I’d almost certainly have a couple of bars or gels in the last two hours and would also mean I wasn’t completely depleted at 4hrs



Thank you so much for sharing.

Will definitely give it a try.

Just one question about point number 6, how long would you recommend when taking some off time from the bike. Dont wanna be off the bike for too long to make the training ineffective.