First Suff workout and favorite workout

Hi, what was everybodys gateway Sufferfest workout and what is everyones favorite workout?

My first was Fight Club back when you had to buy the mp4’s. Think it was back in 2013 when it was the original where you start off riding with a basket. I still like to do Fight Club regularly, but my current favorite is Team Scream. I just love everything about it music, footage and the pain it brings.


My first was the original Angels way back in January 2014!!

Favourite is so tough as it can vary by mood. Angels and Wretched are right up there.

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First workout was ‘Getting away with it’. Love the music and the whole thing. Was sad when I’ve learned that it’s not applicable for the Knighthood challenge.

My most favorite workout is ‘Team Scream’. Again, like the music and the live action. Getting goose bumps every time. Was also my last workout during my Knighthood challenge !!!


Mine was The Cure (After a 4DP without prep plan xD)… My favorite workout would be The Team Scream, others are close to my heart, but Team Scream is that constant pain train that gives no rest for the wicked!

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I think my first was the original Revolver.
It’s still my favorite/go-to workout. No fuss.

I’ve had a handful of workouts I’d do over and over again throughout the years.
Revolver, 9H, Rookie, Hunted, GAWI.

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My first one was “The Hunted” in GERMAN :smile:
I am glad it stays untouched yet.

The favourite one is for sure ISLAGIATT: A masterpiece of workout, epic video footage, story and music. And - even though I am a poor TT guy - TEAM SCREAM: Great story, brilliant workout/footage match.

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First - Downward Spiral. 16th June 2013, before silly things like power targets.

Favourite - probably The Omnium as it’s my go to when I can’t decide what to go do. And it’s a track race simulation so no need to worry about silly things like power targets.


I think my very first workout was Elements of Style. Angels was the first full-fat one.

As for my favourite; Angels or The Wretched, probably. Fight Club, The Shovel and The Omnium would round out the top 5.

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Fight Club was my first video, I downloaded it. Along with Sir Stephen I am still waiting for my DVD version. In a way Fight Club remains my favorite, although Nine Hammers is right up there.

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First one was TINT back in 2013 when they were MP4 downloads.

I’ve got many favourites Fight Club, Who Dares or Thin Air, but nothing is as fantastically painful as Team Scream.

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What do you think of the new Fight Club?

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First: Downward Spiral (2010?)

Fave: AVDP - always and forever. Omnium (minus the Kilo :slight_smile:) might be #2.


First SUF Video: Angels - the original - way back in January 2013. Still one of my favs!
Fav SUF Video: So many - Angels, AVDP and…Violator (really, it’s true!)

I think that the first was waaay back when these were in Strava, but my first proper session was The Shovel, followed by ISLTA the next day. I was thrilled with the strain and difficulty - finally a worthy challenge!
ISLTA is still dear to my heart, but Team Scream :scream: has a format so engaging and immersive that it always brings a smile to my face when I spot it in my calendar.

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Fight Club on Strava…back in the day when streaming sensibly was impossible.
I had been warned by friends about the cruelty of Suferlandria, but was completely hooked as soon as the basket-bike hit the Yarra cycling path… and the frozen frame had me hooked on that vision for at least 10 minutes…
Much better now!


I love the new footage and music on the new fight club. The original was getting a bit dated. So now it looks like it belongs with the newer workouts. As for the workout it is one I like to do regularly, but there are workouts i prefer in the racing catergory


I remember when they were on Strava, that was when i first did rubber glove. That was how I first found Sufferfest and started getting the mp4 downloads


My first was Angels way back when, I think. Although it may have been the original Downward Spiral. Favourite for a long time has been Angels - but recently deposed by Team Scream. Stunning workout and all round experience.


New Fight Club is amazing! Set in my home county and having local hero Lizzie in every attack is something else!


The Hunted… when I have no idea but back in the day when I was using a spin bike.

I still love that session now but I love joy ride, suffering and comedy value!