First Suff workout and favorite workout

Lots of knights and long time users here. I have to out myself as a rookie, who started only in march of this year. I am looking forward to all the videos I haven’t experienced and all the videos I will encounter for the second, third and even more time.

First: The bat. Tried it with FTP values out of zwift, failed big time and immediately fell in love with suffering.

Faves: Getting away with it, ISLAGIATT, 9 Hammers and every ride with Mike Cotty.


My first was Angels. I had not done the 4DP and so the numbers were very low. I thought this is not so bad…I turn the sound off when there is thumping music or the stuff that just keeps repeating the same cord. The Mike Cotty ones have lovely scenery and better music. Little things stick out in the others, That Asian who overtakes you riding a trike, the Minions laughing at your request for a break .Often the Humour strikes just when the going gets impossible it takes your mind off suffering and you carry on.

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My first two were Full frontal in 2018. Yeah, I had no idea what I was doing and figured I might as well start there to get some sort of baseline going. I did it a second time because I had also just gotten a smart trainer and didn’t know how everything worked yet.

I think my one of my favorites would have to be G.O.A.T. because I never cringe when I see that on the calendar.

Fast forward 10 months and I placed G.O.A.T. as the final video for my KoS challenge, gave me something to look forward to all day.


Welcome @Pierre! Glad that you are getting (un) comfortable… you can never leave :wink:


B.R.U.T.A.L. Wow, you jumped right into the deep end on that one.

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My first one was Full Frontal. Yep, had no idea what hit me. That was in the gym, funny looks all around.
Most favourite I think would be Team Scream.

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First workouts from the download days were The Way Out and Rubber Glove (of course). TWO was my first ever trainer session, having just bought a second hand Tacx Booster from a work colleague.

When the app came out and I subscribed, Angels was recommended. Ouch.

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First was either 9H or Power Station (can’t remember which way round) at an Embassy in Manchester in 2016. Instantly hooked!

Faves: Can’t name just one, there are too many! The two above, plus Revolver, Angels & Thin Air. But then TGTTOS, ISLAGIATT, ISLTA are amazing. I have a soft spot for The Trick and a love Team Scream. I think i actually love them all… except Violator😁


1st Sufferfest Video: Hell Hath No Fury. That was a long time ago when you had to download and buy each video. I never got through the entire thing. Killed me. I think I read somewhere that it is different than the original but I haven’t tried it yet.

Favorite: The Wretched… the meat tenderizer cracks me up every time.

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First was “oh it’s only 45 minutes, can’t be that bad Revolver” back in 2010 or 2011.

All time favourite is Downward Spiral.

Soft spots for Angels, AVDP, Wretched, DAYT. I like the newer ones too, but I think I did those oldies over and over and over they are like family now!


Violator is beautiful.


Dont tell Grunter, but I actualy like Violator too. I think the footage and music could do with an update, but the actual workout is great. Theres something about wringing yourself out in a max sprint time after time.

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my first Video was Angels, way back in 2013 and I still love it. miss that cartoon spin-class ending tho…
favourites? well… The Way Out because it inspired me to ride the Iséran, AVDP because it’s soooo dark in there, also Power Station, GOAT, Defender…


yeah, Team Scream. absolutely!

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Here you go Dame Isi, miss it no more


yep!! :+1:
still got all the downloads I bought in the old times. in fact a few years ago I built my own mashup with this as a cool-down. “Hunted by Power-Angels”


I used to do the same! “Fighting Hammers in the Dark”. Not putting that out their as a favourite, pretty sure those hammers always beat my ass!


Omg I forgot about the end. That was brilliant.


I can’t remember which one was first, but I still have the mp4 of these from “back in the day”, with ye old FTP Map too ha ha:
Z:\SCOTT-CYCLING\Sufferfest\Sufferfest-Local Hero.mp4

Favourite right now handsdown: SUF Idol, can’t believe no one mentioned it yet.
The music, comedy, footage, are all perfect.
Workout is excellent too of course.

I’ve been stuck doing 30 minute workouts for the last couple of months as I’m looking after our 13 month old boy, so can literally only train while he naps (and he doesn’t nap very long!!).

Before he came along I would have thought “30 minute workout? pffft why even bother??” but over the last few months I’ve grown to appreciate how much you can destroy yourself in 30 minutes with workouts like Cash Register, The Cure, Joyride, and SUF Idol.


@ScottF NEVER think it’s going to be easier because it’s shorter! The 30 minute workouts are primed for absolute destruction!