it was great, nice way to combine a training plan and a proper ride
The simplified profile and power zone ranges are great, help a lot for outdoors
it’s really hard to keep the power numbers within the target zone ranges, maybe this will come with practice though
like the default workout page on my Element Bolt
My outdoor session doesn’t show up in my “Getting away with it” activity history. I know it’s not comparable with the indoor sessions, but still it would be good to access the activity history here, like the indoor sessions
After the ride, in the Activity Details, it would be great to see the target power ranges superimposed on the measurements so that I can see how close my power measurements were to the targets
Nice! Over by Rosenheim is also a lovely part of the world for cycling. I’m a bit to the west of there, by Ammersee. Looking towards Garmisch and Füssen in the photo.
That’s an awesome view!
So far, I have only taken those Endurance No-Vid workout outdoors, and like you mention, it’s actually quite difficult to keep to the power targets for me too, mainly because of the road undulations which I come across.
But once the road really flattens out, it’s not pretty easy to maintain a steady power.
I’ve relied on my KICKR Bike leading up to and after hand surgery, but I’ve almost healed to the point where I might try an outdoor ride before the rains move in for the winter. It’s been a while, how do I set my road bike to ERG mode?