I got a “we’re not fully confident in this test result” message on my first half monty attempt because I was going too hard in the recovery section. However, I am fairly certain I was riding at or way below the power targets for the majority of the recovery. I am definitely not one to pedal hard in recovery!
Curious if anyone had some insight on this? Could this be an error? Is my FTP sadly vastly overstated (and my sense of self worth…)?
Hello Burnsey.
Welcome along. I had the same issue but sent an email to the minions who set me right pretty much straightaway.
Thankfully my score stood hopefully so will yours.
Good Luck
Although the Half Monty is much easier to pace than FullFrontal, like any workout, you don’t know exactly what is coming your way until you have ridden it once.
As long as you feel you gave it your absolute all during the ramp, your MAP will be accurate and if you managed to keep your HR and power consistent during the constrained effort you’re good to carry on.
What is the goal now?
The goal now - I know it’s a bit silly but I have a friendly wager with a friend on who can raise their FTP by highest % in 4-weeks. Thinking I’ll roughly follow the 4 week FTP building block. Good/bad idea?
So Primers today And my Third half monty tomorrow. The first one was in trial period when I didn’t really know what I was doing. The second one came back with message saying “not confident with result” but after contacting the truly wonderful minions, seems I had gone a bit hard before the ramp section, they assured me that I was within the boundaries and results stood. So 1 hour after consuming a proper chunky smoothie I will make sure that I take it easy on the build up, give it my all on the ramp and stick to the heart rate boundaries on the next bit. What im hoping for is a confident result and hopefully my score would have improved.
So, On Intermediate all purpose road plan, in 5 and half weeks FTP improved from 202 to 208 and map from 246 to 263. Im very pleased with that…what say you all?