Half Monty - too easy?

Hi, I did the half monty this week and it was easier than I expected. I didn’t know my FTP prior to completing the test so used the 150w that the app had estimated for me. I didn’t expect to complete all the ramps and this highest ramp was only about 250w.

Now that I have an FTP from the test (higher than the 150 estimate) will the wattage on the test change to make it harder?


Hi @sampu and welcome. Half Monty actually uses MAP to set the ramp steps and it sounds like the initial estimate the app gave you was too low. If you were able to reach the end of the ramp then it’s definitely worth having another go now you have some new numbers. Keep in mind that the new numbers may still not be that accurate because you beat the ramp - the ramp is meant to beat you - but hopefully they’ll be high enough to do the job. Let us know how you get on.


Hi James

Thanks for the welcome and for your advice. I’m very new to indoor training but it’s good to know that it will be adjusted for the next test.

Thanks again :+1:



Hi there.

You should be able to see your updated numbers in your Athlete Profile now. They should have changed for the 5min and 20min numbers.

And you prob wouldn’t have known in advance - you can set those manually if you have some idea if your numbers - so if ever necessary again, you can do that and HM would use that base you set instead.

If you feel the numbers are still too low, feel free to set them to an appropriate starting point and (when rested) do HM again. Or go all in and do a 4DP test maybe (dep on how used you are to pacing those 5 min / 20min sections of course. If you know your pace for those then 4DP is ideal)

EDIT: @JamesT said it above - too slow here lol

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Hi Martin

Thanks very much for your advice. I’ll give the 4dp test a go in a couple of weeks when I’m more used to the trainer and app.

Thanks again :+1:



Hi @sampu

I had the same issue on my first ever HM. Based my initial numbers on my Strava estimated FTP and completed all steps of the ramp without too much difficulty. Retested 4 days later, but this time Full Frontal; FTP increased 29W and MAP 40W from the HM. As James says, HM retest on your new numbers (or give FF a go).

Thank Dafydd

Good to know it’s not just me… I was worried my trainer had a fault!



I beat the ramp a couple of times when I first got the smart trainer. It’s a good feeling but believe me, the ramp bites back!!! 😵‍💫


Thanks Timbo :joy::fearful:

You’ll need to keep revisiting half Monty until you fail the ramp to get accurate results. Obviously don’t do that back to back!

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Thanks TTDragon. I’ll give it another go next week :+1:

Good to know, I just completed my first test and was left underwhelmed… Will try again with new MAP numbers

While implicit in many of the comments, just to be clear: you are supposed to fail on the ramp in HM. If you complete it, the results won’t be valid.


I’m considering setting my MAP extra low one of these days just so I can experience the thrill of beating the ramp. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

Of course then I’d have to immediately do it again at flogging station #33, but it would be worth it. :smile:


After reading the test profiles I started with full frontal, then did half Monty a month later. If you have no baseline, full frontal to me can be a better method of setting your baseline. When I did half Monty I could not quite make it to the top of the ramp I think I ended up and 1 and a half steps short.

When I went from my dodgy old trainer using virtual watts to a kickr using real watts I managed to beat the ramp twice!! Kind of a hollow victory but worth doing at least once!!!


Nice! lol.

Unfortunately, when I managed to link my $20 dumb trainer I picked a good matching generic trainer, so when I moved to a Smart Trainer, my MAP and FTP were actually about the same. Only my NM and AC went up since the power curve seemed to match directly to my trainer speed which kept them artificially low. But it was cool to go from a 500w NM up to over 1000w. lol.