Having a devil of a time with my POWRLINK pedals

I have a new set of POWRLINK Zero dual-sided pedals & experiencing odd behaviour, particularly with the left pedal.

The left pedal exhibits connectivity issues and its battery inexplicably discharges an order of magnitude faster than the right. I’ll charge it for a long time, like overnight, and it only reaches 90%. When I reconnect the charging cable less than an hour later it will only show 40% charge on the app. Disconnect & reconnect the cable a few minutes later it’s now 60%.

They connected to my ROAM when I first installed them. Then, on this most recent ride they just wouldn’t connect. I selected to forget them on the ROAM and went to re-pair them, but just absolutely uncooperative. Not pairing at all now.

Getting frustrated. These things weren’t cheap & TBH I had higher quality expectations than this.


@rcoppens Reach out directly to support. They may not see your post here.

I am having the same issue. Bought the pedals earlier this year. Right pedal charges fully; left maxes out at around 40% after a night of charging. Last such charge was week ago, and I just rode them for the first time. Neither the app nor the head unit (Garmin Edge 1040) were able to find either pedal. Just tried again pairing the pedals after having the app forget them. Right pedal lit up and shows 100% charge while left pedal is flashing red and showing 1% charge.

@Traugia Definitely reach out to Wahoo Support. That doesn’t sound right.

Thanks @JSampson - following posting this, I did just that and they were thoroughly helpful.


@Traugia - contacting customer support is definitely the route to take here. My initial set (and yours too by the sound of it) was faulty. Well, our left pedals were anyway.

After working through a few things they ended replacing the set. The new set works flawlessly. Both charge in the same way, both connect to the app and the Roam head unit seamlessly, both discharge at the expected rate (which is to say very slowly - this replacement set are at 80% charge after four weeks of 8-10 hours riding/week), both return data in the same way. Completely different experience. Much more satisfied.


Thanks Roland, I really appreciate your comment. I have heard back from support today and as you said, they are walking me through a number of obvious issues. I anticipate that they will end up exchanging these pedals for a new set. I must say also that these petals have, a much better battery life than the SRM X-Power pedals that I have used so far. These work just fine but need to be recharged very often. Regards, David.

Same issue here. For my case is my right pedal cannot be fully charged. I firstly found this problem on last summer and finally decided to send them a ticket to request for a replacement since my warranty is going to be invalid soon.

Wahoo support team is great and they send me a replacement. Anyone who has the same issue I suggest get a replacement asap. There is no doubt these patches of pedals have some quality issues.


I’ve had the same issue with the right pedal. Left charges fine, pairs fine, calibrates fine. Right pedal won’t take a charge at all. Blinks green when I attach charger and then it just goes off. Won’t light up at all when I pedal after a whole day of charging. Bought thru my LBS so they are dealing with the Wahoo tech folks. Glad to hear that replacement pedals worked better. They ARE expensive and should have better quality control.

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The right pedal can’t be charged at all. It was only few months old and have to claim twice. First time replacement took 1 month to replace. Second time, 2 weeks and still pending. This pedal is not cheap but the quality sucks. Expect to be much better for the price paid

Having similar issue. The left pedal out of the box when plugged in, will flash blue and then occasionally give a brief red flash then go into a green flash before going back to blue.

It will every now and then briefly connect to app but then disconnects.

I’ve deleted the app, turned off phone, Turned phone back on and reinstalled the app twice. I can never connect to it longer than a momentary instance to even try to update firmware.

I feel like I get close with this strategy.

Connect both to charger (right is green flash and left is blue flash).

It will continue on this loop indefinitely unless I disconnect the right from the charger. Then the left goes into red flash which means it’s less than 15%.

It’s as if the left pedal is stuck on trying to connect to blue tooth which drains it faster than it can charge.

Same here, September 2024 just bought them, a breeze to pair with the app but the right does not charge at all. On top of that two Wahoo Zero Speedplay pedals with axle issues at 2000-5000 kms. Most likely dead batteries. Left never charged past 50%. Any BT connect and shows 40%. According to Firmware, these units were made late 2021- through 2022, so quite old to be shelved by Sep 2024. When I got them the batteries were at 0. But then, the Left refused the firmware, the right stayed below 10%. After a few hours, went to LBS and returned them. They saw the partially charged Left activate Blue LED as you move the box. Another set- very close serial number, we plugged, the L refused to charge. Walked away 1300$ richer.


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Dead batteries. So basically, manufactured in 2021, firmware says Feb 2022. No matter what, whomever moved these boxes, triggered BT pairing so the batteries drained in just storage, shipping and handling. And hence the pervasive issues where they connect but refuse to charge. Other products cannot suffer as they are not motion activated. or cannot be until you peel off an insulator…

That’s the issue. Li-Ion batteries should NEVR be discharged to zero and left that way. They stop charging or partially charge only to quickly discharge. If these were “brand new, out of the box” get them warranty replaced. It’s sad that someone is trying to sell four year old product with batteries. They should be returned after two years as unsaleable.

So they were returned, we tried another set, same issue, and got my 1,300+ back. Years ago I was involved in Batterygate, convincing journalists and users that Apple throttled down software and batteries would shut down. Apple paid hundreds of millions. In this case I recognize the issues above, and primarily State of Charge and Health issues. When any user above loses a pedal connection, it is due to BT drop amperage and in the nearly totality of cases a faulty battery with a poor SOC. A battery can show 100% but, due to poor storage etc, low quality, it can drop randomly from 90 to 20 or 75 to 15 drop amperage and cut off. It happened in milliseconds and the electrons face bad resistance travelling between poles. In good batteries this is mitigated by excellent onboard controllers and components. Example would be AirPods, high end headsets etc. so in this case by integrating cheaply made batteries, Wahoo exposes users to random fluctuations. In the case of store DOA sets, the batteries had automatically lost their SOC capacity etc via random pairing attempts just in handling. They should have been activated, used, then stored winters with 50%. Anyhow this does not endorse Wahoo’s QC considering that I say 3,600$ worth of failed PWRLINK zeros and just shipped back to aero zero Speedplay with Axle issues.

So after 3 faulty sets in store, the 4th one works. Reasonably well, with washers. Some L pedal discrepancies but I cannot update the firmware due to wahoo server issues. So still on the 2.5 year old firmware.

Had anyone actually gotten a working set of pedals recently? I got a warranty replacement set earlier this year that has been odd with their SoC and eventually started dropping out mid ride. Went through the standard support process and got a new pair that was DoA - One pedal does not charge at all. So they are useless whereas the old set was just unreliable.

The technical reason for why this happens is very well known and understood. But if they don’t have new produced stock anywhere in the world I will assume that it’s no longer possible to get a decent set of Powrlink pedals!?