Heart Rate vs. FTP goals

My heart rate zones are now defined through the full frontal. Now - when going to my training plan, I feel that I get the cardiac effect: in the beginning for a ride (e.g. Crezzendo) I am too low and then I am alway around 15 bpm above the zone 2 or zone 3 goals. What shall I do, given I am riding in ERG mode? Any advice how to really balance my training?

Try the half monty to get your LTHR heart rate. Compare the heart rate from the HM Vs FF.

Also what is your max HR and your LTHR from the FF?

Due to pacing and training history I struggle to maintain a high HR on the FF. It’s about 13bpm lower than my HM LTHR.

To me this means I have also of room to grow once I get used to maintaining a high heart rate.