Hey all. I’m just into my 2nd week of SF training. I’ve done my 4DP test and it put me right about where I expected from an FTP perspective compared to other test results I’ve gotten.
I’ve found most of the workouts to be fairly easy… I’m trusting the system knows how to ramp up based on the data it got for me during my 4DP. Overall though, I tend to ride much harder just doing free rides in Zwift. I’m waiting for the system to catch up with me.
Today my workout was “Extra Shot” (20 mins) which followed yesterdays “It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time” (1 hr 50 min). I assumed the workout today was intended to be a recovery spin after the longer ride as the FTP/Power Level was very low (~50% or less of actual FTP). There were some sections which had the cadence up around 110 or slightly higher… During these sections, the dashboard showed a suggested Z4 heart rate (155-164). The intensity of the workout was so low that I was nowhere near this… Heart rate was around 105-110.
I believe the workout intensity can be reduced based on previous activity etc. Does this apply to heart rate data in the workout as well? Should the dashboard should have shown a more realistic heart rate based on the reduced intensity of the workout? Or was I just doing it wrong?
Thanks in advance for the feedback!