I can't get Systm to work. Tried deleting and reloading but still the same blank screen

I can’t get Systm to work. Tried deleting and reloading but still the same blank screen

version 7.71.0

What operating system/device are you trying it on? Which version of it?


I had the same problem, running MacOS Big Sur v 11.7.10. Wahoo confirmed the latest release is no longer compatible with older operating systems. If you’re in a similar position my options were
(1) don’t upgrade SYSTM (or re-download the latest compatible version link here)
(2) do a hacky upgrade to Sonoma (link – try it at your own risk!)
(3) upgrade your hardware – maybe you’re excited to do this and looking for any excuse, now’s your chance!

I went with 2. It worked and I can now use the latest version of SYSTM. However, Zwift is now a little broken (it works, until there’s a lot of pressure in terms of graphics, and then it force-quits the app). This doesn’t suit me, so I use my work laptop for Zwift, and this old brick of a Mac for SYSTM or my phone if I’m just doing a little recovery ride or warm-up. I will eventually be getting a new laptop but I’ve been resisting doing so for about 3 months because it seems indulgent.

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MacOS Big Sur v 11.7.10… Looking at it this seems to be the issue… I need to have a think about upgrading the hardware.

Thanks rinaf… This might well be the excuse… the battery on this thing is shot to bits too, so constantly have it plugged in… :frowning: