I love The Hunted

Those of you who are new to the SUF might not ‘get’ The Hunted straight away. Compared to the newer workouts, the graphics are dated, some of the footage is over 10 years old now, and it might appear that it’s in need of a refresh. Then you ride it.

Considering it was one of the very first videos, @David.McQuillen.KoS pretty much nailed it first time out. The storyline is engaging, the music is great, and the workout itself (conceived in Sir David’s deranged imagination before Apex Coaching got on board) is a serious challenge - if you can nail all the power targets AND all of the cadence prompts, you’re flying. I did it tonight and came out of it buzzing. Sure, new footage might make it look nicer, but it’s difficult to see that it would improve it appreciably.

The Hunted has still got it. The Hunted never lost it.


Still one of my all-time favourites too!


Hmmm, The Hunted has only ever appeared in a training plan as a reduced intensity workout for me, so I can’t comment on that side of it, but for me the footage is dated - I’m not sure to a new Sufferlandrian it would give the best impression - the story is ok, but could be tweaked. However, I agree, the music is great!


Totally agree! although, The Wretched comes in close first place to me. Just the songs get me pumped up for a great workout.

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A true classic! I think it was the second video I bought in the olden days.

I don’t do it often enough these days but it’s definitely up there with the best in the library.

A few months ago I was going for a local segment when I looked up and saw the train crossing was closed, the parallels with The Hunted made me chuckle :slight_smile:


My favorite video too, and the music must never change. Does any other hunted fan hear “there’s a song in my head” replaying over and over in your mind during some big outdoor event?


I don’t know if you guys saw but there’s a post around there with every song in every video. Ive already got a spotify playlist with the ones I could find for the hunted and the wretched :sunglasses:

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It’s “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” by the Swing Movement for me, along with the last song from the TT bit (just before the piano section in the recovery)


Definitely an underrated session due to the “age”. The substance of the session is soooo good once you get into it. That sustained section about 2/3 of the way through it is a tough nut to crack.

I was thinking about what to ride on Saturday, thinking about trying on rod the new no-vid workouts and watch a replay of AVDB or Alaphilippe ‘s UCI win.

But now you changed my mind, gotta do the Hunted again.

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I have the Hunted tomorrow but at reduced intensity so maybe won’t be able to do it justice, I’ll report back anyway.

Well the most impressive thing for me was the rider on the rollers at the end, it has spurred me on to get on mine and work that core. Also particularly relevant as had a proper bike fit this week where a shorter left leg was discovered and shim inserted. Noticed on the trainer that cadence is now remarkably smooth and steady, so maybe I’ll have a go at no handed too

Just did The Hunted as part of Volcano Climbing. My weakness is sustained efforts, needless to say I did not manage to hit the last power target at the end of the 20 minutes climb nor the last minutes of the workout. Brutal.… fresh 4DP numbers though (FF just before Christmas break).

Together with Told Off by Angels I think I’ll use this to know when its time to FF.

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It is a good workout, but the footage is not great compared to the modern ones. It is more nostalgia, I think. For something similar, compare it to, say, Thin Air, or Cobbler, for longer-effort videos and you realise that new SUF is better.

It is still one of my favourites though, for sure, mainly because it’s a great workout, rather than the footage, but that’s just me.

I adore The Hunted. It’s old school look, the great warmup, the music especially the techno during the 4 intervals near the end. I always feel a great sense of accomplishment when it’s finished!

That is definitely a great video! I finished and found out that I hit two power best during the video - my 1 hour and 20 minutes. Looking forward to doing it again and I really liked the climbing plan as well.

I tried the Hunted yesterday. Apart from the great workout, it was very nice to have a glimpse of the beginning of Sufferfest. Also some overdue respect for those that manage(d) to train and suffer on RPE and cadance targets alone. One small question though, the power targets lagged the video by ± 10 seconds, is that on purpose?


Just did my first ‘Hunted’ today and totally agree - it’s pretty awesome to get a glimpse of the vintage stuff.

Almost got a heart attack at 42:27 though, when the camera pans into the valley rather than follow the bend in the road.


On Locations are good, Pro Rides are cool - but The Hunted is pure gold.
Love the vintage footprint and feeling from the SUF beginnings. Awesome workout and legs still hurt ! :slight_smile:


I just did hunted for first time yesterday. Excellent.

I totally love the disclaimers at the beginning!! … made me think ‘a century ago in sufferlandria, we had to warn people that when we spoke of suffering, it may have been for entertainment only’ vs fast forward to 2022 where ‘there is no finer way for a sufferlandrian to go than by suffering’ [all disclaimers found only on the road to couchlandria]