March Monthly Challenge

March Challenge

As weel as the upcoming Wahooligan Tour, we have put together another monthly challenge this time celebrating Women’s History Month!

Celebrating Women’s History Month

This month we are celebrating women’s history month and have a challenge with some of our best women’s content highlighting incredible stories in the sport of cycling. Learn more about some of Wahoo’s female athletes.

To find out more, check out these links to our Knowledge podcast episodes:

When can I complete this challenge?

Anytime in March

Workouts for the March Challenge:


These four should fit in nicely sometime after March 18! I’m particularly looking forward to the Tour de Suisse ride!


Oh man. This is gonna kick my ASS.


Awesome theme. I think it’s great what Wahoo & Sufferfest do and have done for equality and women’s cycling in particular.


What a excellent challenge. I have ridden all before, but will schedule them as training program to my calendar. Nice boost before my upcoming trip.

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@leebo Agreed - Clara Koppenberg’s power files can be pretty spicy even when adjusted for my 4DP. Then we add Who Dare’s and Cygnet Coast (which is just a bunch of constant MAP intervals). This will be ugly.


When I did Cygnet Coast previously I loved it. But the thing I loved the most was that I didn’t die en route. It was close.

+1 on Clara - can’t wait for that one!


Oh just to add - I am liking the addition of the #monthlychallenge tag to the workout names. I’m no social media fashionista but that works well.

You could also add #dontbotherwiththisone to a couple of them. Omnium and Kitchen Sink spring to mind. Urgh.


Who Dares is already on my Tour prep plan, and it’s pretty easy to swap Gravel Grinder → Half the Road and Pro Rides: Hammer Chase → Tour De Suisse so 3/4 will be done this week.

As for Cygnet Coast Road, I guess that’ll wait until after the Tour. I’m thinking of riding it for “real” as an RGT Magic Road and attacking the uphills as she does in the video. I won’t get the fancy badge (not gonna faff about with dual recording) but might could be more fun this way.


Kathryn will be more than pleased that Half the Road is here.


As I’m sure for many on the Tour Prep Plan, this came up today. Loved it. I’m sure the music isn’t to everyone’s tastes, but I enjoyed it. I had a chuckle about some of the footage, I literally think they found and included the only race footage where Annemiek was on the back foot.

Plan is to sub in the Suisse ride in place of the Hammer Series on Sunday. The rest will likely come post Tour. I recently did Half the Road, so I may mini player that one…


It’s so very, very true.


Why nothing for Black History month?

Did Tour de Suisse Women’s 1 this morning and it was tough but I didnt experience the same implosion that occurred with the Mont Ventoux Challenge when Klara brought on her massive power at the end of the ride.

The ride starts fairly tame as the group settles on to the course but then gets pretty spicy around the 3rd lap with several attacks. Once the leaders get established around the 30 minute mark, the rest of the way is a series of over unders with some recoveries.

The location is very scenic - a small town with the mountains in the background and the sun is going down towards the end of the ride. I really enjoyed this one! The Kickr Climb really enhanced the experience and the effort level was a great indoor “Send It” ride as a lead in to race season.


Half the Road today, but as I’ve seen it before, I swapped it for watching yesterday’s women’s Strade Bianche which I thought was in the spirit of the monthly theme! And what a finish …


@Rupert Looks like the March badge appears twice:


Knights just have to do it twice Sir. :smiling_imp:


I have now both completed and not completed the March challenge :smiley:


Nothing like the official March email having the wrong list of rides :slight_smile:


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@FurryGorilla We are luck Ventoux wasn’t on the actual list. Clara pours it on at the end - sort of like a 16 minute hammer.