Hello, I am new (today) to Systm. New to it all actually. I am trying to get my new Tacs Flux S smart trainer to connect to the Systm app via bluetooth. The app sees the trainer and when I click connect it seems to be working but… it will repeatedly toggle between connected and “connection failed”. When I click the “Learn More” link nothing happens. I just bought the Tacx Flux S trainer 2 weeks ago and I am trying all the apps to see which one I like the most. This one seems to have what I need but I can’t connect to even give it a try. Please help.
Looking to spend money.
Same here. Have emailed the support minions. Waiting for a solution.
Hi @Millbilly and welcome I’m sure you will get other helpful replies which will be more clear than mine. First thing what device are you using ie Windows/Mac/IPad ? Is the device running the latest software ? Is your version of Wahoo SYSTM the latest it should be 7.6.1. Make sure any of the other apps you have been using are disconnected from the Tacx Flux, you might not be running Zwift but it might still be connected in the background and that’s why it won’t properly connect to the Tacx. The Tacx Flux software might need updated but I wouldn’t try that just yet. If all that doesn’t work try logging out of SYSTM, deleting it then download it again and try connecting the device again. If you still can’t get it to work then email the minions
I have a FluxS working with the app with no issues. While waiting for the Minions, it’s worth installing the Tacx app on your phone and making sure the trainer has the most up to date firmware installed. Also do a calibration spindown. Let me know if that doesn’t work, I have a couple of other ideas you can try as well.
Thanks for the reply.
I am using a Dell Lattitude Laptop running Windows 10. Yes i have the latest version of Systm, just downloaded it today. Tacx Flux S is up to date although the strange thing is that it says that my version of the firmware is actually higher that the current version. It says the “Your Firmware 3.3.45 / 1.1.6 Latest Firmware 3.3.40 / 1.1.6” So it seems that my Tacx has a newer Firmware version that the latest release.
I will see if the minions respond and go from there. Side note, it works if I use my android phone and bluetooth.
Thanks for the reply.
I will try teh calibration spin down as you suggest.
Tacx Flux S is up to date although the strange thing is that it says that my version of the firmware is actually higher that the current version. It says the “Your Firmware 3.3.45 / 1.1.6 Latest Firmware 3.3.40 / 1.1.6” So it seems that my Tacx has a newer Firmware version that the latest release.
Strangely it works if I use my android phone and bluetooth. My laptop is about 5 years old so it may just be a bluetooth issue.
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Yeah that is odd, I’ll check my firmware version now. Another issue I’ve seen is when using a laptop, it tends to further away from the trainer than a phone. If you’re running a fan, that can also interfere with the BT signal. Likewise BT headphones etc.
I usually spin the bike up first, then load the workout, then it tends to see the trainer better and behave. Sometimes my BT drops out briefly and disconnects if the trainer idles but usually reconnects.
Let us know how you get on with the spin down 
OK just checked, my firmware version:
Solved my own problem.
I logged into my wifi router as admin and turned off the 2.4 GHz radio. Now I am only using the 5 GHz band. The laptop is connecting to the Tacx trainer flawlessly now.
Yes I thought it was strange too but I have checked a few times and it is a later version than what is released.
I solved the issue by turning off the 2.4 GHz radio on my wireless router and now only using the 5 GHz one. It must have been interference from the router on the lower band.
Thanks for the help!
Brilliant so is working now?! Yay!!!
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Wi-Fi on 2.4 GHz band can end up messing with both BTLE and ANT+ although those protocols use different ‘channels’. Changing to 5GHz band will eliminate them, but if you decide to use BTLE head/earphones, the issue may return.
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If your router has the 5GHz band use it and disable the 2.4 GHz band. That worked for me. The 2.4 band was interfering with the Bluetooth on the Tacx.
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