I just set up my new Kickr Rollr and find that even in my lowest gear, the resistance is too high. My cadence is around 60 because of this and there must be a way to change the resistance.
I checked the Wahoo app and tried target power and reduced that - didn’t work.
Tried resistance and set that to 0% - didn’t work.
Tried “passive” - didn’t work.
What am I missing here?
Could it be my tyre? I have gravel tyres 38mm on.
r u sure you have the latest firmware installed and have you plugged the unit in? Also, have you connected a power meter of some kind?
Yes, the roller is connected to my Favero pedals. Just checked and yes, I have the latest firmware version.
What are you using to see your power output when using the Rollr?
Both the Wahoo app and a Garmin 1040.
I shoulda said this first, but your best bet is to contact support directly so they can directly troubleshoot with you rather than me (who doesn’t work for The Company) playing 20 questions (and not doing well I’m afraid).
While they do check in on the forums now and again, it’s always better to make the connection first. There may be others they’re aware of with similar issues so might have a quick resolution once you reach out.
Edit: I’d add more questions like do your head unit and the WA show power correctly? That is, do you see the wattage increase and decrease with your efforts? Is it possible that something is interfering with the unit? Like another app? Have you tried riding unplugged to see how that feels?
Great questions. I’m on my way on vacation, so will try riding unplugged when I get back and then contact Wahoo.
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it wouldn’t hurt to contact them earlier than later as there may be something super simple that you can try when you return. I’ve found the CS with The Company to be exceptional as a rule. Hope you get to ride on your vacay, and also, a belated WELCOME to the forums 
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And if you’re watching your power in multiple units is possible that one has taken control of your trainer and is forcing you to ride at a low power no matter what gear you’re in.
Hey brother. I had this same issue with the same pedals.
When I used Zwift, this would make it miserable. If you are using Zwift, I found that using the roller itself as the power meter seemed to fix this issue. I think the roller uses the Favero power meter as its PM in apps like that so when you select the pedals, they interfere with one another. The Wahoo app mentions using the roller as the PM instead of the pedals.
There is still some very small changes in resistance, but I think this has more to do with inconsistency in pedaling from time to time which slows the roller which causes the resistance to increase slightly until you return to your cadence and power before.
Sorry I’m late on response, but hope this helps.