I did a 4DP test at the start and for the following numbers:
FTP: 143, MAP: 176, AC 255, NM 552.My LTHR is 158 BPM.
I started another training plan last week and today I did “A Very Dark Place”. I stopped 2/3 of the way through because I didn’t feel the workout was right. My Average watts was at 70, my heart rate average was 116. It just felt to easy? The “rest” sections of the video had a higher watt target than the intervals (although slight lower cadence). Other workouts in the training plan are also easy, so my gut is telling me it’s just the 4DP numbers. (Another example, I did GOAT the other day and average watt of 108, HR of 115).
When I did my 4DP, I found it very dificult - I’m not sure I’d be able to get that much more out of it. Have I got something wrong?
I use ERG mode for everything so I don’t have to change resistance of gears. Could that be my issue?
I’m planning on doing a half monty tomorrow to see how my results compare, but any tips in advance would be welcome.
It sounds like you had a workout with reduced targets. When you look at your calendar in the App, does it show reduced percentages for the different metrics? Considering your comment on the recovery segments being harder, it sounds like that was the case.
If some of the other workouts this week include a recovery spin or cadence builds, that’s another indicator of this being a recovery week.
When I open the calendar and select the workout, it says the 4DP used are the same I listed above, i.e. NM: 552, AC:255, MAP: 176 AND FTP: 143.
This is exercise 4 in the fitness kick-starter so I’d be surprised if it was a recovery week. In repsonse to your question, there aren’t any recovery spins or caden builds in the week. My next one is Butter, followed by The Way Out. When IO open Butter from the calendar, I can’t see anything which tells me it’s at a reduced percentage.
To gain cycling fitness after taking an extended period of time off the bike, or for those who have limited cycling experience
Those with 4-5 hours per week available to train
2 weeks on, 1 week off
Full Frontal (Fitness Test)
I think this plan is really easing you into the workouts. From a quick look through, most workouts for the first several weeks load with reduced intensity.
It can take a few times to master the pacing of the workout as 20mins of the back of 5mins is northing short of evil (We do offer some advice on here: How to Get the most out of Full Frontal)
Half Monty should be useful for you to tweak those numbers, let us know how you get on
@Felix I hope you are doing ok! Some great advice here from the crew about the issue you’re having! I just want to add that we are always willing to help if you have any questions. Just email is at theminions@thesufferfest.com! Don’t hesitate to drop us a line if you’re unsure about your numbers, your setup, or anything else!
I don’t think it’s necessarily a problem with your numbers, but as @Pierre pointed out, the plan is designed for people with little experience or returning after an extended period off the bike. The reduced workouts will be initially getting you used to being on the bike again, rather than battering you over and over again - as it says in Team Scream, “the pain will come”. Good luck!
Thanks for the responses and information above. I thought I would come back and let you know how I got on and help others if they have the same issue.
From the original post (21st September), I continued with the plan for a couple of weeks, however I manually increased my FTP by 10 and did workouts at 105%. This did not give me a noticeable difference in the difficulty. I then had a break of 2-3 weeks due to personal circumstances but came back and decided to do a Half Monty (Ramp Test). I will add a caveat and say I was on a slightly different bike different bike, but I doubt it make too much of a difference.
To re-cap my results before from the Full Frontal
FTP: 143, MAP: 176, AC 255, NM 552.My LTHR is 158 BPM
The results after Half Monty (Ramp Test)
FTP: 170, MAP: 223. LTHR is 170 BPM.
Using the new numbers, the workouts are much more appropriate, certainly more difficult, but fantastically achievable and full of suffering.
My conclusion is that my FTP was originally low. Probably a mix of not being able to pace the Full Frontal properly and inefficient pedalling because I am a beginner. As an out of shape but experienced sportsman (except for cycling!), I went straight for the hardest test… in hindsight that was the wrong thing to do. The Half Monty (Ramp Test) gave me a more appropriate level to work from and the workouts are now spot on.
My advice: Do the Half Monty (Ramp Test) first and save the Full Frontal until you have got more experience.