OK, so setting aside their rather…umm…unique R&D funding model, LOOK A SHINY NEW TOY. Pre-order yours now starting at just $1700 US!
Wonder what “major brand” they’re in discussions with?
OK, so setting aside their rather…umm…unique R&D funding model, LOOK A SHINY NEW TOY. Pre-order yours now starting at just $1700 US!
Wonder what “major brand” they’re in discussions with?
Delivered to your door… Could it be Canyon?
Love the idea though!
It does look very Canyon-y. I would think a specific component manufacturer, though?
It Says major bike brand, not components manufacturer though. And as they say it will be an option during config of the bike, it may seem they are able to supply the flitedeck themselves.?
Good, just what we need; more cyclists riding around with their head down!
On second thought, at $1,700 US, there may not be that many more.
…but I do admit it looks cool.
Call me an old grump but I really don’t like it. I like to have my bike computer on an out-front mount.
one of my favourite links of all time!
Edit: I think one of my favourite things about it is how looong it is. Just when you think that’s it, there’s more! Classic!!
My bifocal optical inserts force me to use an out front mount. If not, then I need to bend like Gumby to see anything.
Wasn’t the Kickr Headwind developed with OnlyFans?
(I’ll get my coat)
You’re an old grump.
…but I agree with you.
I think it looks awesome. But definitely out of my price range.
And as much as integrated stuff is awesome, it also means it’s much more expensive to replace when either the display or the handlebars break.
Since I am usually inside and staring at my screen, I have little use for it. But maybe if I actually rode outside more often? And had money to burn?
More like OnlySUF. With videos and pictures of people properly suffering on their bikes.
Pics or it didn’t happen
You can be an old grump and still be right!
Signed, and old grump