Strava Sharing

Okay, chumps! Post your Strava link to share. Everyone wants friends, right? Followers? Or whatever… it’s 2021. Everyone wants to be known. So post your Strava link. Go to your profile page on the web version and copy and paste the link. Boom. Done. I’ll go first.

Mike Davis’ Strava

We’re all grown ups here. Well. Mostly. You know who I’m talking to… that’s right, you. How’d that Couchlandrian get in here? Floggings for ‘em.

Anyway. Where was I. Oh, right. We’re all grown ups. If you don’t get any new followers. Eat a donut and cry about it. If you do, people really do love you. I looked a little in the forum for a Strava profile post and didn’t see one. Thought I would blaze my own.

See you at the top! Cheers. And suffer on.


Well, I’m new here, getting older and fatter and in overall pathetic shape…and I joined SUF to work on that…so…

I’ll post a link just so some of you can keep me accountable.

Have no mercy…



Yes!!! You’ve come to the right place!!!

Brian Marquis - KOS


I’ll drop mine then too: Foursixnine on Strava \o/



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Here I am: Signup for free to see more about John.

All outdoor riding at the moment - I try and include pictures on most rides - recently started collecting photos of Norfolk & Suffolk village signs.

Not posting me (happy not to be followed :male_detective:) but here’s a link to the The Sufferfest Strava club for those that might be interested Club | The Sufferfest on Strava


follow dan. or don’t. your choice.