Nice work Pierre, giving the marketing minions a run for their creative money!
Find it a bit sad that you posted this five hours ago and have only had five views, two likes and one response. If the forum was living up to its positioning as a suitable replacement for the SUF Facebook group you’d have been inundated with reaction. Ah well, let’s hope things pick up here when the Tour arrives.
Could be although that doesn’t excuse Europe. Just as an experiment I shared a link to the post in the Facebook group - likes are rolling in and the YouTube view count has trebled, now quadrupled, in a few minutes. Go figure
Sorry, not meaning to drag things off topic. I’ll go flag myself
I had a blast doing this video. It’s my very first (apart some family stuff).
Little projects like this will help me learn a few basic shooting and editing skills, which I am very keen to improve on.
Sadly, I am working with very limited time on my hand.
To be honest, the views for my video are already much higher than I expected.
I have a few ideas for part 2, which is already cooking…
By the way, it’s interesting, James, that you mention the Facebook crowd being so much “bigger” than the forum. Since I am so new and don’t have Facebook, I can’t even imagine the real scope of sufferlandrians being out there, I guess.
@Pierre, I ABSOFREAKINGLUTELY LOVE THIS!!! See you at the start! Agreed, that if this were on Facebook, it would have blown up. It’s gonna be weird since, while the Forum shall be the official village, I suspect that the unofficial village in FB is likely gonna be where the action is (even if it’s not).
It’s not necessarily that the crowd there is bigger, although it is, it’s just that the Facebook group has been the spiritual home of Sufferlandrian banter, especially for ToS, for several years. The opinion of a few minions and this forum alternative isn’t go to change that overnight. But there’s room for everyone in either corner of the Nine Hammers tavern. Looks like your views are clocking up nicely now anyway so best get to the cooking!