Yet another Fulgaz flaw. I did a new ride on Fulgaz and in addition to a known issue for me, I confirmed a second flaw and discovered a BIG new one.
I finished my Everesting challenge yesterday so I thought I would try one of their recovery rides. From the graph it looked like it had one manageable hill to open and then mostly downhill or rollers the rest of the way. Because there is no real data on the rides, I had no way to know that the opening climb had sections at almost 9% and an average or around 7%. For a poor climber like myself, this was far from a recovery. Way more effort than I wanted to expend this evening.
I did however confirm a flaw I was seeing in other rides. The ride data posted on the site is either wrong or the programming is flawed. Each of the past three rides have come up short on elevation gain. I could understand if it was off a foot or two given the conversion from meters to feet. But two of the rides were off by over 5%, the worse of the two almost 6%. That is nothing but poor quality control.
And now the new issue. There is no consistency on the speed at which the rides are recorded. Each is dependent on the rider who shot the video. Fulgaz has two individual options for running the videos. First is Steady mode. It runs at the speed it was recorded at. If it is a 17 mile ride and it was completed in 1 hour, you will be clocked at 17 MPH. You may actually ride it faster or slower, and that speed will appear o the bike computer graphic, but it will not be recorded.
The other option is Reactive mode. The video will move at the speed you are riding. So if you ride that 17 mile ride at 19 MPH you will finish in under an hour. That can be a cool feature if there was some consistency in the speed of the rider who shot the video, but that is not the case.
On the ride I did yesterday, the climbs I was doing at about 0.65 (65 % of the speed of the rider who recorded the ride. That was consistent across a few videos. As I said, bad climber. But I would make up for it on the downhills. I would consistently run at 1.40 – 1.50, or 40% to 50% faster than the recorded speed. At several points, in my highest gear, at 105 RPM I would hit 2.00 or twice as fast as the recorded speed. Side note, you can’t exceed 2.00.
However, on today’s ride, my climbs were consistent with the previous rides. But on the downhills, I struggled to reach 1.00, the speed at which the video was recorded. Even in my top gear, spinning at 110-115, I was only running a 0.95, or slower that the rider’s speed.
The so what of that is the distance and speed posted for a ride are absolutely meaningless. The wide variances in the speed of the rider that recorded it aberrates those numbers so no two rides are going to execute the same in terms of distance and time.
This recovery ride that has a difficulty rating less than half of the ride I did yesterday took me four and a half minutes longer to do than the posted time and yesterday’s tougher, longer ride with much more climbing I did four minutes faster than posted.
If you want to just do rides and don’t care about any stats, planning, accuracy or consistency, then this platform is fine. If you care about any one or more of these things, then you will be greatly disappointed.