The Tour 2023

call it what you will, as long as the classic suffering is in the legs then I’m all good.

How about „The Tour formerly known as ToS - Wahoo Xtrvgnz 2023“?


Although I must admit I’m a big fan of the graphically striking bold ToS poster design!

Having said all that, attracting more athletes to ride the tour with us and raise more funds is a good thing. :+1:t2:


I will be interested to see this year how fundraising compares to previous years…not convinced that noobs are going to fundraise at the levels of die-hard old schoolers.


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Based on what?

Being a “noob” to SYSTM doesn’t make one a noob at indoor training or fundraising.


I feel that’s an unfair generalisation. Even if it was the case though, what is the specific point you’re driving at ?


Fair comments @Martin and @titanicus, and I will freely admit this is conjecture on my part.

My theory would be that the die-hard Sufferlandria-types that go in for the ToS every year raise a lot of money, because it’s more than just about the workouts, it’s about the cameraderie, shared suffering, etc. If Wahoo is looking to dilute or marginalize the stuff that makes/made The Sufferfest special to those die-hards to where they maybe step back, or don’t go as all in as in past years, will that shortfall be replaced by people coming on new to the platform, who perhaps just think of SYSTM as another structured workout program they can take or leave?

TLDR, will Wahoo’s dilution of the Tour of Sufferlandria and Sufferlandrian ethos in an appeal to a broader customer base result in lower fundraising for “the tour” because newer customers aren’t as motivated to participate in such a unique effort that might not matter to them as much?


I think we will have to wait and see. First, what they announce about the renamed tour. Second, how that sits with everyone, old guard and new recruits as well. Finally, how that translates to fundraising for DPF.

Until then, we simply don’t know. It’s hard being in limbo, but I reckon we’ll just keep training as hard as we can until then.


Happy New Year 2023 fellow Sufferlandrians!
This year’s TOS will be my first and hopefully for many more to TOS to come too. Since the dates has been announced in the earlier post, when would we be able to get the training plan leading up to the tour?


Soon :wink:


In the absence of an official training plan, I suggest either loading up a MAP block, or just doing Nine Hammers every other day, with Hell Hath No Fury for recovery in between :smiling_imp:.


Sounds like a very good plan Sir Wayne!

Would definitely give that a try since I don’t mind getting hammered repeatedly :joy:


Happy New Year everyone,
I know we are itching to get going on the Tour! Here are a few dates:

  • Registration will open in Mid January
  • We will have a Training Plan starting on January 30.

Coach: Are the ‘published’ dates THE dates or is GVA cleaning his navel in the Lower Reaches of the Castle now that He has been made aware that this is THE major week of Spring Break in most of North America and is contemplating a right flogging to those who chose that week and is moving it around (and to increase the suspense of when we will get to beat the living daylights out of our selves [well some of us anyway])?


Thanks for the heads up @Rupert.H!
Will definitely be looking forward to those those dates and the tour itself. Gotta step up my mental game too.

Some of you haven’t ridden Rue the Day lately and it shows … :eyes:

Only teasing, but I rode that this morning and couldn’t help but think of this thread.


Haaa. Same! Great workout, brilliant video + soundtrack.


Looking forward to getting started on the prep plan!!


I heard there might be a crazy stage event that gets a bunch of amazing people together each year to raise money for one of the worthiest causes around???


anyone else compulsively checking the available plans hoping the Tour prep plan has magically appeared?! I know it doesn’t start till 30 Jan but …



maybe :innocent:

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You’ve got a couple more weeks to wait yet but don’t worry you’ll know when it’s out :wink:

In the meantime, registration opening very soon…