And the number 7 haunted me since I was born on 7.7.1977.
So which one would I choose?
I know Wahoo drops more vowels than my teenage kids, but I though Sufferfest knew better - Honor?
Keeping it simple
42 because that’s the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, but also my age.
The pain train, as that’s my happy place
Yellow rookie stripes in recognition of my first Tour of Sufferlandria!
Acceptable spelling in some parts of the English speaking world
It will be ThSffrfst before you know it
For Fluffy’s sake, the spelling is Honour in Sufferlandria. Always has been, always will be. Heads off to hack something. p.s. the font is apparently VolumeFour according to WhatTheFont for anybody wanting to do similar.
I think this comes with the @GJStache53 seal of approval
Well done, a great bib for TOS 2022.
Nice! See you at the start line!
An all black “Y ddraig goch”? Some sort of sacrilege, surely?
Obviously Sufferlandrian is my principal nationality so my second nationality has to be muted slightly…. But the original flag of Wales was black and yellow so I think it’s okay…
The Coat of Arms is the for Clan Robertson (Donnachaidh) and the clan motto is “Virtutis Gloria Merces” which translates “Glory is the reward of Valor” with an an additional Gaelic motto of "“Garg’n Uair Dhuisgear” (“Fierce When Roused”)
Too many themes or version … my head hurts.
…but wait, there’s more…