Wahoo distance different to Garmin

Hi, I’m an absolute beginner to this indoor training malarkey and still trying to get my head round it all. I chose an activity on the Wahoo app and it was 40mins long, it said I covered 10 miles. However I also had my Garmin fenix 6 watch going at the same time and it said I covered 15 miles. Why is that? I had the ‘indoor bike’ activity on the watch active when this was recorded today. Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.


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Actual mileage and speed is zero when riding a trainer. Any speed or distance are “virtual” (not real) in that they’re made up by the app and can vary a lot depending on how they chose to calculate it. Some will count revolutions of the rear wheel or hub, multiply that by a wheel circumference to calculate a distance and speed. Some will use your power and weight to estimate a speed over a virtual course, going faster downhill and slower uphill. All that can be amusing, but the bottom line as far as training goes is the work done in terms of effort level and duration.


Yep. What @Saddlesaur said.

All indoor mileage is just an estimation, and every app estimates it different.

I just pick a source and stick with it. And then try not to compare.


Thank you for explanation on this. I thought something was wrong with the setup. Makes sense when put the way you have said mate.

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I think I’ll be doing this moving forward. Thank you mate :+1:t2: