Way Too Early Second KOS Anniversary Quest Announcement

Tomorrow is my 2 week test run doing 4 or 5 workouts. So that should be fun. :smile:

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Oh man, the next coupla weeks are gonna huuuuuurt!

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Tomorrow is definitely going to hurt. Day after FF plus bonus rides and all… good thing I just put in a new order to restock my Maurten. Already trying not to eat all the things today. :grimacing::smile:


Those are awesome numbers Sir @emacdoug !
What would be on your serving menu this time around?

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For tomorrow’s test run I’ll be doing 4 or 5 workouts depending on how well I get my timing so I can finish by 9am.

1 - Rue The Day
2 - 14 Vice Grips
3 - The Best Thing In the World
4 - The Model
5 - Do As You’re Told

After this quest, Rue The Day will be the only video left that I will not have attempted in any of my KOS ventures. So it seems only right to include it as the first of my test run.

The other 4 are all videos I’m planning for this attempt.

Do As You’re Told was actually video 10.5 in my first attempt. Because I thought I might have taken too long between videos 2 & 3 because of a device connection problem, I decided I needed to try to ride 12. But on video 11 my app crashed halfway through and then my PC chose that moment to force me to update Windows. And that’s why I chose to ride 11 last time and now am planning 12 this time. We’ll see if I start early enough to ride that one. I can’t run much past 9am because that’s family pancake breakfast time. :slight_smile: :pancakes:

Maybe I’ll ride 4.5. It would be apropo. :smile:


Those on your menu tomorrow feels and looks really painful but yet enjoyable all at the same time.

I was just chatting to my partner last night that I might attempting an anniversary quest like you are doing but not adding an extra ride to the already daunting task and was asked, “Why in God’s name?” Hahahaha And honestly, I could have answered, “Because I can?” but I chose to say, if I crazy enough, I might just do it in 2023.

I can absolutely feel this pain. Perhaps, a week before the quest, just pause all Windows updates for a fortnight and I think you should be good to go.

I can only imagine you getting up at about 3am and head over to your torture chamber?

And I would suppose this would be one of your fuel during annivesary quest day.
I have learned from my attempt this year, sweet stuff is definitely a mood booster. Savoury stuff… hmmmm well just a little and quite literally gave up on my rice balls and the tuna sandwiches. :face_vomiting: cometh the 8th hour, good Lord.

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If you’ve done one and you’re even considering a second then you definitely qualify. :smile::+1:

Last time and this time I will have my phone ready as a secondary device with videos already downloaded to both.

4:15am. I’m cutting it close. But I will be up before 3am for my actual KOS day.

Waffles, Maurten, m&m’s, pb&j sandwiches, and pain shakes. :smile: The pancakes and pizza are saved for my victory meal. :v:


Test day had begun. I will not rue this day!


Now in the middle of 14 Vice Grips. I won’t live post for test day. So next you hear from me will be on the other side.

Have you suffered today?

More than you.

:muscle: :hammer:


Cray Cray. Have fun Sir!

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Finished my test 5.

And also finished my pancakes, sausage, banana, coffee, oj…

All done at 80% of my brand new numbers.

And I must’ve done something right yesterday. I did FF and then 45 minutes of Z2. And both yesterday and today my legs didn’t feel that bad. Thinking the Z2 must’ve helped flush out my legs. Either that or I did my efforts today before the DOMS set in. :smile:

14 Vice Grips was awful even at 80%.

The Model wasn’t a killer but the power targets were still higher than I expected at 80%.

And Do As You’re Told was definitely the point where I felt the fatigue starting to set in, and I was glad at that point that it was the end for today. I would not have made it through 5 more - much less 7 more - at 80%. Especially Team Scream. That would’ve done me in. I’m still trying to figure out how I’ll get through Team Scream during my actual quest without destroying the rest of my attempt. I guess we will see.

But today was a success! Time to enjoy the rest of the day, some more coffee, and hopefully a nap. :sleeping: :smile:


I’m thinking that wahoo ought to do an INSP film about you Sir. Your commitment and dedication to indoor riding is seriously impressive!

Take a bow (but don’t hurt your back) !

Edit: LOVE the pancakes!


That’s the real reason why I chickened out with Team Scream for my own attempt and replaced that with Power Station.

You’re a real inspiration Sir!

By the way love those pancakes especially the :scream:


@DarrenWCKam Team Scream is definitely daunting! I did Nine Hammers at 80% as the second video in my first attempt, so hopefully that means I can get thru Team Scream as my second video this time. Last year I did Violator at number three in level mode and lived (barely). :dizzy_face::scream:

@Glen.Coutts @DarrenWCKam my wife bought this cool emoji face pancake skillet last year. Our kids love them so we get our money’s worth out of it. :smile::+1:


Hahaha. And here I was thinking u were using some fancy pancake art skillz.

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You’re really strong Sir @emacdoug. Chapeau to you. I only did the first ride of the day at 80%, the rest of it was at 70% (save an except the three remaining parts of Defender).

Pancakes for the win! Hahaha. :grinning:

I don’t say that to brag. I don’t want to compare myself to anyone else or say that it proves anything about me (other than my insanity). It was also likely a mistake that hurt me later on. Lol. Just making a comparison for myself between workouts. And intensities depend on the full KOS lineup and a bunch of other factors that can be very personal. I’m nobody special. Insane, yes. :upside_down_face::crazy_face:

My favorite Saturday after-workout meal.

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We are all pretty insane in our own ways Sir Evan.
Ooops I mean, we are all just a little unwell :face_holding_back_tears:

You gave me a good idea for in-ride food! Pancakes that is! :yum:
Just need to make sure they don’t turn out soggy or worse, destroyed, when I eventually take it out of the jersey pocket in my God-knows when outdoor ride would be.

I have used frozen waffles as food for my long runs. Put them in the toaster to crisp them up. Then put them in a ziploc bag and put that in my pocket. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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Just confirming it’s Fri Nov 18 right Sir @emacdoug ?


You sound like you’re planning a date night with GvA and @emacdoug. Have fun. Be home by 11.